DonkeyCar for Jetson Nano-WEB Control

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Guides of DonkeyCar

WEB Control

  • Open Jetson Nano and run the following commands:
jetson@jetson:~$ source ~/env/bin/activate
(env) jetson@jetson:~$ cd mycar/
(env) jetson@jetson:~/mycar$ python drive

Note that you shouldn't use sudo, otherwise, the command cannot run

  • Navigate to http://<Jetracer_ip_address>:8887 to enter the control webpage.
DonkeyCar for Jetson Nano 3-1.png

Max Throttle selects the maximum speed of the car, you can choose 30%. Click the right joystic window with the mouse and drag to control the car movement. The Angle & Throttle column shows the current steering angle of the servo and the speed of the rear wheel motor, the Start Recording button can control the car to capture images and data, and the captured images are saved to ~/mycar/data directory. We recommend you use Chrome or Firefox browser.

  • Open http://<jetbot_ip_address>:8887 on the browser of your phone, click on "start Vehicle" and then you can use your phone's gravity control to move the mobile robot!

Donkey Car Web02.png

  • Control the car with your keyboard.
Space: Stop or record; R: Control recording; I:Speed up; K: Speed down; J: Turn left; L:Turn right