Raspberry Pi Accessories Pack D

Part No.:RPi Acce D

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Accessories Pack (type D) for Raspberry Pi, including Expansion Board ARPI600, Various Sensors, Supports Arduino

Note: Raspberry Pi is NOT included.


An accessories Pack (type D) to be used with Raspberry Pi. It consists of expansion board ARPI600, various sensors, and features Arduino connectivity support.

Supported Pi

  • Raspberry Pi 1 Model A+
  • Raspberry Pi 1 Model B+
  • Raspberry Pi 2 Model B
  • Raspberry Pi 3 Model B

ARPI600 Features

  • Standard Raspberry Pi 40PIN GPIO extension header, supports Raspberry Pi series boards, Jetson Nano
  • Compatible with Arduino UNO, Leonardo, easy to connect with various Arduino shields
  • XBee connector for connecting various XBee modules
  • Sensor interface for connecting various sensors
  • Onboard USB TO UART for serial port debugging, also can be configured as XBee USB adapter
  • Onboard ADC, 10 bit, 38KSPS, 11 channels (6 channels for Arduino interface, 5 channels for sensors)
  • Onboard RTC

What's on the ARPI600

Raspberry Pi Expansion Board on board resource

  1. Arduino connector : for connecting Arduino shields
  2. ICSP interface : Arduino ICSP
  3. XBee connector : for connecting XBee communication modules
  4. Sensor interface : for connecting sensors
  5. Raspberry Pi connector : for connecting Raspberry Pi
  7. TLC1543 : AD converter
  8. PCF8563 : RTC
  9. CP2102
  10. 32.768KHz crystal : for RTC
  11. Power indicator
  12. XBee state LED
  13. XBee and Arduino interface RESET button
  14. XBee EASYLINK button
  15. RTC battery holder : for CR1220 button battery
  16. TLC1543 reference voltage configuration jumper
  17. RTC jumper
  18. UART jumper
    • when connecting P_RX and CP_TX, P_TX and CP_RX respectively, USB TO UART is connected to Raspberry Pi serial port
    • when connecting XB_RX and CP_TX, XB_TX and CP_RX respectively, USB TO UART is connected to XBee serial port
    • when connecting XB_RX and P_TX, XB_TX and P_RX respectively, Raspberry Pi serial port is connected to XBee serial port
  19. Arduino AD selection jumper
    • short 2 and 3 : Arduino A0-A5 as AD input
    • short 1 and 2 : Arduino A0-A5 as digital control
  20. Arduino I2C selection jumper
    • short the jumper : Arduino A4-A5 as I2C control (the A4-A5 of Arduino AD selection jumper should be opened)
  21. Arduino SPI selection jumper
    • short 1 and 2 : Arduino D11-D13 as SPI control (default)
    • short 2 and 3 : Arduino D11-D13 as digital control

ARPI600 Photos

Raspberry Pi Expansion Board
Connecting with Raspberry Pi
Raspberry Pi Expansion Board
Connecting with GSM/GPRS Shield
Raspberry Pi Expansion Board
Connecting with Motor Control Shield and XBee
Raspberry Pi Expansion Board
Connecting with Arduino IO Expansion Shield and sensors

Development Resources

Wiki :

Raspberry Pi Accessory Pack Selection Guide

Package Contents Products
Item Description Acce. A Acce. B Acce. C Acce. D Acce. E Acce. F Acce. G Acce. α Acce. α2
Micro SD Card 16GB 16GB Miro SD Card, class 10  
5V 3A Power Adapter Provides 5V 3A power supply, micro USB plug  
Pioneer600 Expansion Board, provides expansion interfaces and onboard components  
DS18B20 Temperature sensor  
Infrared Remote Controller IR control    
USB Camera 0307  USB camera            
Mini Wireless Keyboard  Mini wireless keyboard with touchpad            
HDMI to VGA Convertor For working with VGA monitors            
ARPI600 Raspberry Pi to Arduino            
Sensors Pack Various sensors in one pack            
5inch HDMI LCD (B) 5inch HDMI interface touch screen LCD            
Bicolor Case for 5inch LCD Type B Case and holder            
7inch HDMI LCD (C) 7inch HDMI interface touch screen LCD, high-definition            
Bicolor Case for 7inch LCD Case and holder            
Game HAT Makes the Pi becomes a classic game console            
RPi Camera (B) Raspberry Pi camera, adjustable focus          
AlphaBot Robotic platform (line tracking, obstacle avoidance, speed measuring)            
AlphaBot2-Pi Adapter board, for connecting Raspberry Pi            
AlphaBot2-Base Motor driver, integrates sensors for obstacle avoiding, line tracking, etc.            
SG90 servo servo and 2 DOF pan head          
DVK512 Expansion Board, provides expansion interfaces and onboard components              
3.5inch RPi LCD (A) 3.5inch touch screen LCD              
PCF8591 AD DA Board 8-bit AD/DA module              
L3G4200D Board Angular rate sensor              
LSM303DLHC Board e-compass              
Mix Board Buzzer, Joystick, Infrared Receiver, Temperature Sensor              
Logic Level Converter 8ch Logic Level Bus Transceiver              

The Raspberry Pi is NOT included in Accessory Packs, if you don't have one in hand, please consider the all-in-one kit.

Weight: 0.216 kg

Quick Overview

  1. ARPI600 x 1
  2. Sensors Pack × 1
  3. USB type A plug to mini-B plug cable x 1
  4. RPi screws pack (2pcs) x 1
  5. Micro SD Card 16GB x1
  6. Power adapter US standard 5V/3A micro x1
  7. Micro SD Card Reader x 1 (Extra Free)