USB Blaster

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USB Blaster
USB-Blaster l.jpg






USB Blaster Download Cable is designed for ALTERA FPGA, CPLD, Active Serial Configuration Devices and Enhanced Configuration Devices, USB 2.0 connection to the PC and JTAG, AS, PS to the target device.




At present, there are basically three types of USB Blaster download cable solutions on the market:

【Option 1】FT245BL/FT245R + CPLD:

This solution is the closest to the original. When the CPLD clock is 24MHz, the download line speed can reach the original performance.
【Option 2】CY7C68013A:

The biggest advantage of this solution is that the cost has dropped a lot, and the disadvantage is the speed. Although the 68013 is a high-speed USB chip, its internal MCU can only work up to 12MIPS, and the speed is almost 1/4 of the original solution.
【Option 3】C8051F320/1:

The speed is equivalent to 1/2 of the original solution, and the cost is slightly lower than that of the CY7C68013A solution.
Our product uses option 1.


The appearance size and PCB layout are slightly different, the latter is slightly larger than the former.

The function is exactly the same.


A driver is required, and the driver is provided with the Quartus software. After installing the software, you need to manually load the USB blaster driver in the device manager, see the user manual for details.


Solution: Connect the downloader and the target board, check whether the wiring is good, re-plug and unplug the interface, and then power on and write if there is no problem.


In the assignments -- device -- device and pin option, in the configuration tab, check Use Configuration device and select the configuration chip.

Select configuration scheme as Active Serial.


Possible reason:

The version of Quartus 11 (this version is relatively stable) that is supported by the CD is not used. Some users encounter this error when using the version of Quartus 9. After installing version 11, the problem is solved.



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