RoArm-M2-S 2. ROS2 Workspace Description

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RoArm-M2-S 2. ROS2 Workspace Description

TTL Serial Bus Servo Control Interface,




ROS2 Workspace Description

This tutorial is for the ROS2 Humble version of Ubuntu 22.04 image. After following the steps in the installation tutorial, your virtual computer now is running. Open the "Home" file folder on the virtual computer, you can find the "roarm_ws_em0" file folder, which is the workplace of the robotic arm ROS2. Then, you can find two function packages under "roarm_ws_em0/src" directory:

  • roarm_ws_em0 —— main function package
    • roarm_driver: drive the communication nodes of the real robotic arm
    • roarm_description: robotic arm model URDF
    • roarm_moveit: the configuration related to movement
    • roarm_moveit_ikfast_plugins: Kinematics plugin
    • roarm_moveit_cmd: the related service for command control
    • roarm_web_app: web control
    • moveit_servo: gamepad control
  • roarm_else —— the dependencies related to Web application

Open-source link: roarm_ws_em0
Also, in "" file on the above open-source address, we introduce the steps and the subsequent updates will be updated on this Github link.

RoArm-M2-S ROS2 Humble + Moveit2 Tutorial