JetRacer ROS AI Kit Tutorial I: Assembly Manual

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JetRacer ROS Kit User Guide

JetRacer AI Assembly Steps

Install Motors and Rear Wheels

1. Fix the motor on the metal chassis. Note that M3*6 screws are used here. If the wrong long screws are used, the motor will not rotate normally.
JetRacer AI Assembly Step01.png
2. Fix the coupler screws on the coupler with the spanner.
JetRacer AI Assembly Step02.png
3. Install the coupler on the motor shaft and lock the screws. (Note that the coupler screws should be locked on the shaft side.)
JetRacer AI Assembly Step03.png
4. Install the tires on the coupler with PM4*8.
JetRacer AI Assembly Step04.png
5. Install the servo bracket on the metal chassis.
JetRacer AI Assembly Step05.png

Servo Middle Position and Installation

1. Install the battery on the expansion board, connect the charger and activate the battery protection.
JetRacer AI Assembly Step06.png
JetRacer AI Assembly Step07.png
2. Turn on the power switch after activating the battery successfully. The LED on the board will flash.
JetRacer AI Assembly Step08.png
3. Connect the servo to the expansion board, and the servo will rotate to 90 degrees, that is, the middle position. Note: the servo cable order is: Yellow-PWM, Red-5V, Brown-GND
JetRacer AI Assembly Step09.png
4. Fix the servo in the bracket with M3*8 screws and M3 nut, and pay attention to the servo direction. JetRacer AI Assembly09.jpg

Install Servo Wheel and Connecting Rod

1. Fix M3*22 standoffs with PM3*8.
JetRacer AI Assembly Step-010.png
2. Install the metal servo wheel on the servo, make sure that the holes of the servo wheel appear as a cross, and then install. If there is no cross, you can slowly rotate the servo wheel until a cross appears and then install it.
JetRacer AI Assembly Step11.png
3. Fix the servo wheel fixing panel to the metal servo wheel with the included screws.
JetRacer AI Assembly Step12.png
4. Use two M3 ball joints (small) and a short rod to form the pull bar of the servo. Use two M3 ball joints (big) and a long rod to form the pull bar of the front wheel. The two ball heads are horizontal.
JetRacer AI Assembly Step13.png
JetRacer AI Assembly Step013.png
5. Use KM2.5*12 screws and M2 self-lock nuts to fix the flat end of the pull bar on the servo.
JetRacer AI Assembly Step14.png
6. Install the camera bracket on the M3*22 standoffs by PM3*8.
JetRacer AI Assembly Step15.png
7. Install the large and small bearings in the steering knuckle.
JetRacer AI Assembly Step16.png
8. Lock the wheel on the steering knuckle with KM4*20 screws and M4 self-lock nuts. Be careful not to lock it too loosely here to avoid shaking the front wheel of the car, and also not to lock it too tightly so that the front wheel cannot rotate normally. After the installation is completed, turn the wheel to test whether it can rotate smoothly.
JetRacer AI Assembly Step17.png
9. Use PM2*30 screws and M2 self-lock nuts to install the front wheel on the JetRacer. Be careful not to lock it too tightly. After the installation is complete, turn it left and right to test whether it turns smoothly.
JetRacer AI Assembly Step18.png
10. Adjust the length of the servo pull bar so that when the servo is 90 degrees, the tires will not deflect towards the front.
JetRacer AI Assembly Step19.png
11. Install the pull bars of the servo and front wheels on the steering knuckle with KM2.5*20 screws and M2.5 self-lock nut. Note that the servo rod is at the top, and the front pull rod is at the bottom. For the first time, you need to screw the screw into the hole of the steering cup.
JetRacer AI Assembly Step20.png
12. Adjust the pull bar length of the front wheel so that the left and right wheels are parallel and facing straight ahead without deflection. Finally, use KM2.5*16 screws and M2.5 self-lock nuts to lock the pull bar of the front wheel to the steering knuckle.
JetRacer AI Assembly Step21.png

Install Anti-collision Cotton

1. Fix the standoffs (M3*20) for the anti-collision cotton with PM3*8.
JetRacer AI Assembly Step22.png
2. Install the anti-collision cotton and press the metal case on it with PM3*8.
JetRacer AI Assembly Step23.png

Install Jetson Nano

1. Fix the standoffs on the expansion board with PM3*8.
JetRacer AI Assembly Step24.png
JetRacer AI Assembly Step25.png
2. Install the Jetson Nano module on the expansion board with M2.5*30 + 6. Note: Please remove the battery in this step! It is very easy to short-circuit and burn out when disassembling Jetson Nano while it is powered on. When the power switch of the expansion board is off, part of the circuit is still charged. JetRacer AI Assembly Step26.png
3. Remove the Jetson Nano module, install the wireless NIC on the carrier board, and install the antenna.
JetRacer AI Assemblytep027.jpg
4. Place the Jetson Nano module back, install one end of the antenna on the expansion board, and lock it with the spanner.
JetRacer AI Assembly Step28.png
5. Install the batteries.
JetRacer AI Assembly Step29.png
6. Connect one end of the motor cable to the expansion board and the other end to the motor. Connect the servo cable to the expansion board and install the battery pad.
JetRacer AI Assembly Step0029.png
7. Adjust the wiring of the servo and motor, and fix the expansion board to the chassis of the JetRacer with PM3*8 screws.
JetRacer AI Assembly Step30.png
8. Install the cooling fan into the Jetson Nano with the included screws. Note that the label faces down, and connect the cooling fan power cable.
JetRacer AI Assembly Step31.png

Install Camera

1. Use black nylon screws PM2*8 to fix the camera, insulating sheet, and camera spacer together.
JetRacer AI Assembly Step32.png
2. Connect the camera cable, and fix the camera on the camera bracket with the flat screw M2.5*5.
JetRacer AI Assembly Step33.png

Installl Radar

1. Install radar cables.
JetRacer AI Assembly Step34.png
2. Fix the acrylic panel to the radar with PM2.5*5.
JetRacer AI Assembly Step35.png
3. Fix the radar on the M2.5*30 + 6 standoffs with PM2.5*5 screws, connect the radar cables.
JetRacer AI Assembly Step36.png
4. Install the antenna.
JetRacer AI Assembly Step37.png
5. Install the USB connector and the motor case. Now the installation is complete.
JetRacer AI Assembly Step38.png