ESP32 One

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ESP32 One
ESP32 One
ESP32 One Kit







ESP32 One is a development board powered by ESP32-D0WDQ6-V3, which features 802.11 b/g/m and BLE4.2.
The ESP32 One integrates power circuits, users can power the board by USB adapter or 4.2V batteries pack. The ESP32 One can be used for image recognition, voice processing, and more...
The ESP32 One Kit has an OV2640 Camera, and the ESP32 One doesn't.


  • OV2640 camera (optional) and digital microphone, supports applications like image recognition, voice processing...
  • Standard 40PIN GPIO header, compatible with Raspberry Pi HATs for sorts of IoT applications.
  • Integrated Li-ion battery boost charging manager, supports battery charging/discharging, and can also be powered from the USB connection.
  • Compatible with Arduino and ESP-IDF software SDK, seamlessly connecting with ESP-WHO applications.
  • Onboard 8MB PSRAM, 4MB FLASH storage, supports SD extension as well.
  • CP2102 USB to UART converter, for serial debugging/programming.
  • 4x LED indicators, make it easy to check the operating status.


WIFI 802.11b/g/n
Bluetooth Bluetooth 4.2, including traditional BR/EDR, and BLE low-energy
Processor Xtensa LX6 dual-core processor @240MHz
Camera OV2640 (UXGA 1622×1200) (optional)
SRAM 520KB+8MB Flash 448KB+4MB
Input Voltage 3.3V ~ 5V Operating Voltage 3.3V
Charge Current 1A@5V Overall Consumption 7.7mA@5V (ESP32 under deep sleep)
Dimension 65mm x 30.5mm Operating Temperature -40℃ ~ 85℃



Software Setup

The environment setting is carried out in the Windows 10 system. Users can choose to use one of the ESP-IDF libraries or Arduino libraries to develop. Considering that there are many ESP32 library files, it is convenient to use Visual Studio Code as the IDE to complete the code jump file (this function is not available in Arduino IDE). For Mac/Linux operating systems, please refer to the ESPRESSIF guides.

Install ESP-IDF

  1. Download and Install ESP IDF tools.
    Install the ESP IDF and keep the default setting. (It will automatically install Python3.7, Git tools and configure the environment parameters). The path of ESP-IDF is placed elsewhere, as shown in Figure 1 below:
    ESP32 One 013.jpg
  2. Download and Install VS Code.
    ESP32 One 002.jpg
  3. Open The VS_Code, Press Ctrl+P, and search esp-idf-extension to install the package.
    ESP32 One 003.jpg
  4. In VSCode, you can press F1 and input Configure ESP-IDF extension to configure the package. You should select USE EXISTING SETUP in the configuration page.
    ESP32 One 004.jpg

    ESP32 One 014.jpg

    ESP32 One 006.jpg

    ESP32 One 007.jpg

Arduino Libraries

  1. Download and install Arduino IDE, please use the default setting.
    ESP32 One 020.jpg
  2. Arduino IDE installs the ESP32 library. The detailed installation process is as follows. For related information, please click Reference.
    ESP32-S2-Pico 005.jpg
    ESP32-S2-Pico 006.jpg
  4. Open VSCode, and install Arduino and C/C++ plug-ins (please use Microsoft Publisher) as shown below: ESP32 One 021.jpg
  5. After installing Arduino tools, press F1 and input Preferences Open Settings (UI)m Press Enter and find the setting of Arduino tools.
    ESP32 One 024.jpg
  6. Press F1 and input Arduino Board Config, Press Enter to configure board programming parameters.
    ESP32 One 025.jpg


ESP IDF Examples

1. blink example

1.1. Open VS Code,Press F1 and input ESP IDF Show Examples Projects.
ESP32 One 008.jpg
1.2. The LED of ESP32 One is mapped to Pin21, you need to first modify the pins and press the Ctrl + E and B keys to build the project.
ESP32 One 009.jpg
1.3 After building, connect the ESP32 One board to the PC, press F1, and input Preference Open Settings (UI), select the correct COM Port COM8 (You need to select the correct one by checking the Device Manager of your PC). Select UART and press Ctrl + E and F keys to program the ESP32 One.
ESP32 One 010.jpg

ESP32 One 011.jpg
1.4 Press F1 and input Tasks Run Task, Enter and Select Monitor: Start the Monitor -> Continue without scanning the task output.
ESP32 One 012.jpg

2. face recognition solution Examples

2.1 Use git tool to install esp-who software, run the Git Bash (You can right-click the Bash shortcut) software, and input the follow the following commands:

mkdir  ~/Documents/GitHub/
cd ~/Documents/GitHub/
git clone --recursive

2.2 The size of esp-who software is a little big, please be patient. Select S Code->File->Open Folder open esp-who\eaxmples\single_chip\face_recognition_solution after installing.
ESP32 One 015.jpg
2.3 Press F1, input Add vscode configuration folder, and Enter.
ESP32 One 016.jpg
2.4 Press Ctrl+E and B to build. Press Ctrl+E and F to program. Press Ctrl + E and M to monitor the serial port.
ESP32 One 017.jpg
2.5 Say Hi, lexin to the onboard Microphone (on the backside) to wake the device up.
ESP32 One 018.jpg
2.6 You can use Mobilephone and connect to the esp-eye-xxx WiFi. Open with the browser to test the example.
ESP32 One 019.jpg
3. For more examples, you can refer to ESP-IDF Manual.

Arduino Examples

  1. Open Arduino IDE, choose ESP32 Dev Module, File -> Examples -> ESP32 -> Camera -> CameraWebServer. You need to fill in the local WiFi account and password when the demo driver OV2640 accesses the device in the LAN.
    ESP32 One Guide 078.jpg
  2. Pay attention to correctly selecting the size of the firmware partition and enable PSRAM, compile and download the demo, wait for the download to complete, open the Serial Monitor of the Arduino IDE to view the access address printed by the ESP32 One Kit, and use other device browsers in the LAN to access the address of the ESP32 One Kit.
    ESP32 One Guide 079.jpg

e-Paper Examples

For hardware connection, please refer to the following diagram, note that the e-Paper-Driver-HAT is connected to the ESP32 One, the DIP switch is selected by default.
ESP32 One Guide e-paper.jpg

  1. Download the e-Paper ESP32 Driver Board Examples, open the DEV_Config.h file, and modify the pins as below table.
    PIN ESP32 Description
    VCC VCC Power(3.3V input)
    SCK 13 SCLK pin of SPI interface, clock input
    DIN 14 MOSI pin of SPI interface, data input
    CS 5 Chip select, low active
    BUSY 4 Busy status output pin (High for busy)
    RST 19 Reset pin, low for active
    DC 0 Data/Command pin, Low for command and High for data.
  2. After modification, enter examples\ directory, copy the esp32-waveshare-epd folder to \hardware\espressif\esp32\libraries, which should be under the installation directory.
  3. Connect the e-Paper Driver HAT to the ESP32 One, and connect the e-Paper to the HAT. Open VS Code as administrator. Open the e-Paper project (Choose the one according to the type of your e-Paper).
    ESP32 One 022.jpg
  4. Choose programmer, board, COM Port:
    ESP32 One 023.jpg
  5. Press Ctrl+Alt+U to build and program ESP32 One.
  6. For more information about the examples, please refer to e-Paper ESP32 Driver Board.

HATs Examples

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