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ESP32-S3-GEEK is a geek development board designed by Waveshare, onboard USB-A port, 1.14-inch LCD screen, a TF card slot, and other peripherals. Supports 2.4GHz WiFi and BLE 5, with integrated 16MB Flash & 2MB PSRAM, provides I2C port, UART port, and GPIO header, bringing more possibilities for your project.


  • Adopts ESP32-S3R2 chip with Xtensa® 32-bit LX7 dual-core processor, capable of running at 240 MHz.
  • Built-in 512KB SRAM, 384KB ROM, 2MB of on-chip PSRAM, and onboard 16MB Flash memory.
  • Onboard 1.14inch 240×135 pixels 65K color IPS LCD display.
  • Integrated 2.4GHz WiFi and Bluetooth LE wireless communication.
    • WiFi supports Infrastructure BSS in Station, SoftAP, and Station + SoftAP modes.
    • WiFi supports 1T1R mode with a data rate of up to 150 Mbps.
    • Bluetooth supports high power mode (20dBm).
    • Internal co-existence mechanism between Wi-Fi and Bluetooth to share the same antenna.
  • The onboard 3-pin UART interface can function as a USB-to-serial adapter.
  • The onboard 3-pin GPIO interface can be used for debugging other modules or for ADC data collection.
  • The onboard 4-pin I2C interface is available for testing the target board.
  • Equipped with plastic case and cables.
  • Provides online open-source demos and resources, more convenient for learning and development.


RP2-4- geek 09.jpg

Development Environment Setup

  • The following development system is Windows by default.


  • It is recommended to develop with the VSC plug-in.

Develop with VSCode Plug-in

Install VSCode

1. Open the download page of the official VSCode website, and select the corresponding system and system bit to download.
ESP32-S3-Pico 05.jpg
2. After running the installation package, the rest can be installed by default, but here for the subsequent experience, it is recommended to check boxes 1, 2, and 3.
ESP32-S3-Pico 06.jpg
    • After the first and second items are enabled, you can open VSCode directly by right-clicking files or directories, which can improve the subsequent user experience.
    • After the third item is enabled, you can select VSCode directly when you choose how to open it.

Install Espressif IDF Plug-in

  • Note: The latest version of the current plug-in is V1.6.0, for a consistent experience, users can choose the same version as us.
1. Open VSCode and use the shortcut key Shift + Ctrl + X to enter the plugin manager.

ESP32-S3-Pico 07.jpg

2. In the search bar, type Espressif IDF, select the corresponding plug-in, and click install.

ESP32-S3-Pico 08.jpg

3. Press F1 to enter:
esp-idf: configure esp-idf extension

ESP32-S3-Pico 09.jpg

4. Choose express (This tutorial is for first-time users, so only the first general installation tutorial is covered.)

ESP32-S3-Pico 10.jpg

5. Open and display this screen.

ESP32-S3-Pico 11.jpg

6. Choose a server to download.

ESP32-S3-Pico 12.jpg

7. Select the ESP-IDF version you want now, we choose the latest V5.0.1 (note that ESP-IDF started to support ESP32-S3 only after V4.4).

ESP32-S3-Pico 13.jpg

8. The following two are the ESP-IDF directory installation address and the ESP-IDF required tools installation address respectively.

ESP32-S3-Pico 14.jpg

    • Note: If you have installed ESP-IDF before, or if it has failed, please make sure to delete the file completely or create a new path.
9. Once the configuration is finished, click "install" to download.

ESP32-S3-Pico 15.jpg

10. Enter the download page, and it will automatically install the corresponding tools and environment, just wait a moment.

ESP32-S3-Pico 15.jpg

11. After the installation is completed, it will enter the following screen, indicating that the installation is finished.

ESP32-S3-Pico 17.jpg

Official Demo Usage

  • Click here to view more details provided by the official ESP.
Creating a Demo
1. Using the shortcut F1, type:
esp-idf:show examples projects

ESP32-S3-Pico 18.jpg

2. Choose your current IDF version:

ESP32-S3-Pico 19.jpg

3. Take "Hello World" as an example:

ESP32-S3-Pico 20.jpg

4. Choose the corresponding demo.
5. The readme file will explain which chip the demo is suitable for (the following section will introduce how to use the demo and its file structure, which is omitted here).
6. Click to create the demo.
7. Choose the path to place the demo and ensure that there is no folder with the same name as the demo.

ESP32-S3-Pico 21.jpg

Modify COM Port
1. The corresponding COM port is displayed here, click on it to modify.

ESP32-S3-Pico 22.jpg

2. We check the device manager COM port, and select COM5, please select your corresponding COM port:

ESP32-S3-Pico 23.jpg

3. Choose the project and demo.

ESP32-S3-Pico 24.jpg

4. Then the COM port is modified.
Modify the Driver
1. Here shows the driver used, click here to modify the corresponding driver:

ESP32-S3-Pico 25.jpg

2. Choose the project or demo:

ESP32-S3-Pico 24.jpg

3. Wait for a few seconds after clicking.

ESP32-S3-Pico 27.jpg

4. Choose the driver we need, that is, the main chip ESP32S3.

ESP32-S3-Pico 28.jpg

5. Choose the openocd path, we can just choose one at random as it doesn't matter.

ESP32-S3-Pico 29.jpg

The Rest of the Status Bar Introduction

ESP32-S3-Pico 30.jpg

  • ① SDK configuration editor: many functions and configurations of ESP-IDF can be modified within it.
  • ② Clean up everything and delete all compiled files.
  • ③ Compile.
  • ④ Current download method, default is UART.
  • ⑤ Program the current firmware, please do it after compiling.
  • ⑥ Open the serial monitor to view serial information.
  • ⑦ Combined button for compiling, programming, and opening the serial monitor (most commonly used during debugging).
Compile, Program, and Serial Port Monitoring
1. Click on the Compile, Program, and Open Serial Monitor buttons we described earlier.

ESP32-S3-Pico 31.jpg

2. It may take a long time to compile, especially for the first time.

ESP32-S3-Pico 32.jpg

  • During this process, ESP-IDF may take up a lot of CPU resources and therefore may cause system lag.
3. Because we use CH343 as a USB to serial port chip, and the on-board automatic download circuit, it can be downloaded automatically without manual operation.

ESP32-S3-Pico 33.jpg

4. After successful download, it will automatically enter the serial monitor, and you can see the corresponding information output from the chip and prompt to reboot after 10s.

ESP32-S3-Pico 34.jpg


  • If you do not use arduino-esp32 before, you can refer to this link.

Install Arduino IDE

1. Open the official software download webpage, and choose the corresponding system and system bits to download.

ESP32-S3-Pico 35.jpg

2. You can choose "Just Download", or "Contribute & Download".

ESP32-S3-Pico 36.jpg

3. Run to install the program and install it all by default.

Install arduino-esp32 Online

1. Open Preferences.

ESP32-S3-Pico 37.jpg

2. Add the corresponding board manager URLs and click the button.

ESP32-S3-Pico 38.jpg

3. Add the following content in the first blank.

ESP32-S3-Pico 39.jpg

4. Save the setting.
5. Open the board manager and enter ESP32 in the search bar.

ESP32-S3-Pico 40.jpg

6. Wait for downloading.

ESP32-S3-Pico 41.jpg

7. arduino-esp32 is downloaded.

ESP32-S3-Pico 42.jpg

Use Arduino Demo

1. Select the demo, here we choose the demo to get the chip ID.

ESP32-S3-Pico 43.jpg

2. Select the board as ESP32S3 Dev Module.

ESP32-S3-Pico 44.jpg

3. Choose the COM5 port of ESP32-S3 USB.

ESP32-S3-Pico 45.jpg

4. Click the download button, then it compiles and downloads automatically.

ESP32-S3-Pico 47.jpg

5. Finish.

ESP32-S3-Pico 48.jpg

6. Open the Serial Port Monitor.

ESP32-S3-Pico 49.jpg

7. See the chip ID of the loop output.

ESP32-S3-Pico 50.jpg


Burn Firmware

  1. Download the MicroPython firmware: ESP32-S3-GEEK-MPY-Flash Tool or official micropython firmware.
  2. Unzip the downloaded package and enter:
    ESP32-S3-GEEK-MPY 04.png
  3. Long-press the ESP32-S3-GEEK key to connect to the USB port of the PC and then release the boot key.
  4. Enter the flash_download_tool_3.9.4 file folder, open the flash_download_tool_3.9.4.exe.
    ESP32-S3-GEEK-MPY 05.png
  5. Select the corresponding chip, here we select the ESP32-S3 and USB.
    ESP32-S3-GEEK-MPY 02.png
  6. Select the corresponding COM port, and we have configured other information for you. Just click on "Start" to download.
    ESP32-S3-GEEK-MPY 03.png
  7. Wait for programming.
    ESP32-S3-GEEK-MPY 01.png

Install Thonny

1. Open official Thonny website.

ESP32-S3-Pico 58.jpg

2. Select the corresponding system and version, here I choose "Windows", and the mouse has to move to Windows, only then will the corresponding information be displayed.

ESP32-S3-Pico 55.jpg

3. Just install it by default.

ESP32-S3-Pico 56.jpg

4. Finish.

ESP32-S3-Pico 57.jpg

Demo Download

  1. Click here to download.
  2. Unzip the package.
    ESP32-S3-GEEK-MPY 09.png

Run the Demo

1. Open Thonny and choose Configure Interpreter.

ESP32-S3-Pico 90.jpg

2. Choose MicroPython (ESP32) as the Interpreter.

ESP32-S3-Pico 91.jpg

3. Click OK to save.

ESP32-S3-Pico 92.jpg

4. Click Stop or Ctrl + F2.

ESP32-S3-Pico 93.jpg

5. You can see the MicroPython version information and the board name.

ESP32-S3-GEEK 94.png

6. Open the files.

ESP-S3-Pico 95.jpg

7. Choose our demo file and open a demo, here we choose a demo.

ESP-32-GEEK 96.png

  • ①Current local file directory.
  • ②The demo we want to open is
  • ③Click to run or press "F5".
8. Wait a moment and you can see the LCD screen of the ESP32-S3-GEEK displaying the ESP32-S3-GEEK.bmp image.

Arduino Sample Demo

Note: Before using the Arduino demo, please check whether the Arduino environment and the download setting are correctly configured. For more details, you can refer to Arduino.



This code enables ESP32-S3-GEEK to open an Access Point (AP) mode for Wi-Fi. Once a PC is connected to its Wi-Fi network, you can log in to its IP address via a web interface to control the display of images on ESP32-S3-GEEK's LCD.
  • "ssid" is the AP name (ESP32-S3-GEEK) created by ESP32-S3-GEEK, and the "password" is the password (Waveshare) for connecting to AP.

ESP32-S3-GEEK Demo01.png

  • Connect to the AP of the ESP32-S3-GEEK Demo on the PC, and enter the password "Waveshare".
  • The LCD will display the IP address of the HTTP server, and you can use the browser to log in the IP:

ESP32-S3-GEEK Demo03.png

  • Control the LCD of the ESP32-S3-GEEK through the button on the server, and you can observe the LCD by clicking on different buttons. For LCD function, you can refer to LCD demo description.

ESP32-S3-GEEK Demo04.png


With this demo, ESP32-S3-GEEK enters WIFI's STA mode and connects to the same WIFI as the PC or mobile phone. As TCP Client accesses the TCP Server created by the PC or mobile phone, TCP communication is established, and the LCD displays the received content.

Using NetAssist.exe to enter the TCP Server, the Local host IP is the default one, and the Local host Port is 8080. Click on "Connect" for TCP communication with ESP32-S3-GEEK(TCP Client).
ESP32-S3-GEEK Demo06.png

  • The ESP32-S3-GEEK connects to the same WIFI network as the PC in STA mode. (The WIFI network that ESP32-S3-GEEK connects to should operate on the 2.4GHz frequency band. If there's no 2.4GHz frequency band available, the PC can create a hotspot with the network band set to "Any available frequency.") Remember to change the SSID and password to match the WIFI name and password you wish to connect to.

ESP32-S3-GEEK Demo05.png

  • Modify the serverIP to the TCP Server's IP address obtained from using NetAssist.exe, and keep the serverPort as 8080. Upon successful connection, the ESP32-S3-GEEK will send a TCP message "Hello world" to the TCP Server, and the LCD will display "Access successful".

ESP32-S3-GEEK Demo07.png

  • TCP Server sends the TCP message to the ESP32-S3-GEEK on the PC. If sent successfully, ESP32-S3-GEEK as the TCP Client can receive the message and display it on the LCD, and you can observe whether the LCD displays the message.

ESP32-S3-GEEK Demo-tcP 07.png

  • You can also use your phone to create a hotspot with the name and password as "ssid" and "password", respectively, operating on the 2.4GHz frequency band. After setting up the hotspot, you can use a TCP debugging tool to establish TCP communication with ESP32-S3-GEEK.

ESP32-S3-GEEK Demo08.pngESP32-S3-GEEK Demo09.pngESP32-S3-GEEK Demo10.png

  • Modify the WIFI connected by the code as the hotspot of the smartphone, serverIP is the IP ( of the TCPserver created by the smartphone in the above picture.

ESP32-S3-GEEK Demo-IP07.png

  • After programming the demo, once connected, the TCP Server will receive a TCP message "Hello world" from ESP32-S3-GEEK. The LCD will display "Access successful". Using a mobile device's TCP Server, you can send TCP messages to ESP32-S3-GEEK. If the transmission is successful, ESP32-S3-GEEK, acting as a TCP Client, will receive the message and display its content on the LCD. You could observe whether the LCD shows the message.

ESP32-S3-GEEK Demo-ip08.pngESP32-S3-GEEK Demo-ip09.pngESP32-S3-GEEK Demo-ip10.png


With this demo, ESP32-S3-GEEK enters WIFI's STA mode. After connecting the hotspot on the PC, creates a TCP Server, and the PC creates a TCP Client to access ESP-S3-GEEK. Then, the TCP communication is established between them, and GEEK displays the received content on the LCD.
  • ESP32-S3-GEEK connects to the same WIFI on the STA mode. (The WIFI network that ESP32-S3-GEEK connects to should operate on the 2.4GHz frequency band. If there's no 2.4GHz frequency band available, the PC can create a hotspot with the network band set to "Any available frequenc".) Remember to change the ssid and password to match the WIFI name and password you wish to connect to.

ESP32-S3-GEEK Demo12.png

  • After connecting to the WIFI, the LCD will display TCP ServerIP, and use SSCOM to open TCP Client for ESP32-S3-GEEK(TCP Server) connection with TCP.

ESP32-S3-GEEK Demo13.png

  • Send TCP message through TCP Client to ESP32-S3-GEEK(TCP Server), check the "AddCrLf" options while sending the message.

ESP32-S3-GEEK Demo14.png

  • After sending successfully, ESP32-S3-GEEK as the TCP server receives the message and displays it on the LCD, and you can check whether the LCD displays the received message.

ESP32-S3-GEEK Demo15.png


This code allows the ESP32-S3-GEEK to open its WIFI in AP mode. After a PC connects to this WIFI, open a serial debugging assistant. Through the HTTP webpage created by the ESP32-S3-GEEK, messages can be sent to the GEEK. Observe the received content on both the serial debugging assistant and the LCD.
  • The "ssid" is the name of the AP created by the ESP32-S3-GEEK, and the "password" is the password required to connect to the AP.

ESP32-S3-GEEK Demo17.png

  • Using the PC to connect to the AP of the ESP32-S3-GEEK.
  • The LCD will display the HTTP server's IP address. Use a web browser to log in to the IP address:

ESP32-S3-GEEK Demo03.png

  • Using the ESP32-S3-GEEK's UART interface, connect it to the PC via a USB to UART tool, then open a serial debugging assistant.

ESP32-S3-GEEK Demo20.png

  • You can input text content on the HTTP web interface and send an HTTP request to the ESP32-S3-GEEK. The received content can be displayed on both the serial debugging assistant and the LCD.

ESP32-S3-GEEK Demo21.png
ESP32-S3-GEEK Demo22.png



With this demo, ESP32-S3-GEEK enters BLE. Using a mobile phone to open the Bluetooth debugging assistant, connect to ESP32-S3-GEEK, and establish BLE communication with the mobile phone. The message of sending and receiving is displayed on the LCD.
  • In the code BLEDevice::init("Waveshare_ESP32S3_GEEK"), "Waveshare_ESP32S3_GEEK" is the Bluetooth device name.

ESP32-S3-GEEK Demo-20.png

  • Use the mobile phone to open the Bluetooth debugging assistant to scan and connect the device.

ESP32-S3-GEEK Demo-21.png
ESP32-S3-GEEK Demo-22.pngESP32-S3-GEEK Demo-122.jpg

  • Use the Bluetooth debugging assistant to send the message to ESP32-S3-GEEK, and the ESP32-S3-GEEK will display the message on the LCD after receiving it.

ESP32-S3-GEEK Demo-21.png
ESP32-S3-GEEK Demo-23.pngESP32-S3-GEEK Demo-24.jpg
ESP32-S3-GEEK Demo-132.pngESP32-S3-GEEK Demo-24.jpg

  • Enter the receiving setting of the Bluetooth debugging assistant on the mobile phone:

ESP32-S3-GEEK Demo-21.png
ESP32-S3-GEEK Demo-25.pngESP32-S3-GEEK Demo-26.jpg
ESP32-S3-GEEK Demo-125.pngESP32-S3-GEEK Demo-126.jpg

  • ESP32-S3-GEEK uses USB to UART tool to connect to the PC, open the serial debugging assistant, and send the UART message as a Bluetooth message to the mobile phone. Make sure to check "AddCrLf" options when sending the message. The sent message will be displayed on the LCD. On the mobile device, observe if it receives the Bluetooth message.

ESP32-S3-GEEK Demo-29.png
ESP32-S3-GEEK Demo-28.png ESP32-S3-GEEK Demo-27.jpg


This demo allows the ESP32-S3-GEEK to activate Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE). You can use a smartphone's Bluetooth debugging tool to connect to the ESP32-S3-GEEK, enabling BLE communication between the two devices. The sent and received messages will be displayed on the serial monitor, similar to BLE_LCD. However, this version doesn't activate the LCD, reducing power consumption significantly by using UART to display message content.
  • In the code BLEDevice::init("Waveshare_ESP32S3_GEEK"), "Waveshare_ESP32S3_GEEK" is the Bluetooth device name.
  • With a mobile Bluetooth debugging tool, scan and connect to devices.
  • Using the tool, send Bluetooth messages from the mobile device to the ESP32-S3-GEEK. The received messages will be displayed on the serial debugging assistant of the ESP32-S3-GEEK.

ESP32-S3-GEEK Demo-21.png
ESP32-S3-GEEK Demo-23.pngESP32-S3-GEEK Demo-24.jpg
ESP32-S3-GEEK Demo-132.pngESP32-S3-GEEK Demo-133.jpg
ESP32-S3-GEEK Demo34.png

  • Enter the receiving setting of the Bluetooth debugging tool on the phone.

ESP32-S3-GEEK Demo-21.png
ESP32-S3-GEEK Demo-25.pngESP32-S3-GEEK Demo-26.jpg
ESP32-S3-GEEK Demo-125.pngESP32-S3-GEEK Demo-126.jpg

  • ESP32-S3-GEEK, connected to the PC via CH343 USB UART Board (mini), opens a serial debugging tool. Messages sent via serial are converted into Bluetooth messages to the phone. Ensure to check"AddCrLf". The message content will be displayed on the LCD. Check on the mobile device to observe if it receives the Bluetooth message.

ESP32-S3-GEEK Demo-29.png
ESP32-S3-GEEK Demo-28.pngESP32-S3-GEEK Demo-27.jpg


This code enables the ESP32-S3-GEEK to function as a Bluetooth keyboard. Once connected via the PC's Bluetooth, you can perform a series of single-key or combination-key operations. The ESP32-S3-GEEK will simulate these key presses and transmit corresponding keyboard inputs to the connected device.
  • Before using BLE_Keyboard, you need to add the ESP32-BLE-Keyboard Arduino library folder from the libraries directory into the libraries folder within the installation directory of Arduino IDE.

ESP32-S3-GEEK Demo40.png
ESP32-S3-GEEK Demo41.png
ESP32-S3-GEEK Demo42.png
ESP32-S3-GEEK Demo43.png

  • If the Arduino library of the ESP32-BLE-Keyboard has been installed, pay attention to modifying the BleKeyboard.c file as shown below:
BLESecurity *pSecurity = new BLESecurity();

Modify it as:
BLESecurity *pSecurity = new BLESecurity();
  • ESP32-S3-GEEK is the name of the Bluetooth keyboard:

ESP32-S3-GEEK Demo45.png

  • Use PC to enter Bluetooth to scan and connect the device:

ESP32-S3-GEEK Demo46.png
ESP32-S3-GEEK Demo47.png
ESP32-S3-GEEK Demo48.png

  • After a successful connection, a series of keyboard actions are performed every 5 seconds (output "Waveshare", Ctrl+Alt+Delete).

ESP32-S3-GEEK Demo49.png

  • Modify the code with your unlock code to enable automatic locking and unlocking operations.

ESP32-S3-GEEK Demo50.png

  • You can view the value of each key in the BleKeyboard.h file of the libraries file folder.
const uint8_t KEY_LEFT_CTRL = 0x80;
const uint8_t KEY_LEFT_SHIFT = 0x81;
const uint8_t KEY_LEFT_ALT = 0x82;
const uint8_t KEY_LEFT_GUI = 0x83;
const uint8_t KEY_RIGHT_CTRL = 0x84;
const uint8_t KEY_RIGHT_SHIFT = 0x85;
const uint8_t KEY_RIGHT_ALT = 0x86;
const uint8_t KEY_RIGHT_GUI = 0x87;

const uint8_t KEY_UP_ARROW = 0xDA;
const uint8_t KEY_DOWN_ARROW = 0xD9;
const uint8_t KEY_LEFT_ARROW = 0xD8;
const uint8_t KEY_RIGHT_ARROW = 0xD7;
const uint8_t KEY_BACKSPACE = 0xB2;
const uint8_t KEY_TAB = 0xB3;
const uint8_t KEY_RETURN = 0xB0;
const uint8_t KEY_ESC = 0xB1;
const uint8_t KEY_INSERT = 0xD1;
const uint8_t KEY_PRTSC = 0xCE;
const uint8_t KEY_DELETE = 0xD4;
const uint8_t KEY_PAGE_UP = 0xD3;
const uint8_t KEY_PAGE_DOWN = 0xD6;
const uint8_t KEY_HOME = 0xD2;
const uint8_t KEY_END = 0xD5;
const uint8_t KEY_CAPS_LOCK = 0xC1;
const uint8_t KEY_F1 = 0xC2;
const uint8_t KEY_F2 = 0xC3;
const uint8_t KEY_F3 = 0xC4;
const uint8_t KEY_F4 = 0xC5;
const uint8_t KEY_F5 = 0xC6;
const uint8_t KEY_F6 = 0xC7;
const uint8_t KEY_F7 = 0xC8;
const uint8_t KEY_F8 = 0xC9;
const uint8_t KEY_F9 = 0xCA;
const uint8_t KEY_F10 = 0xCB;
const uint8_t KEY_F11 = 0xCC;
const uint8_t KEY_F12 = 0xCD;
const uint8_t KEY_F13 = 0xF0;
const uint8_t KEY_F14 = 0xF1;
const uint8_t KEY_F15 = 0xF2;
const uint8_t KEY_F16 = 0xF3;
const uint8_t KEY_F17 = 0xF4;
const uint8_t KEY_F18 = 0xF5;
const uint8_t KEY_F19 = 0xF6;
const uint8_t KEY_F20 = 0xF7;
const uint8_t KEY_F21 = 0xF8;
const uint8_t KEY_F22 = 0xF9;
const uint8_t KEY_F23 = 0xFA;
const uint8_t KEY_F24 = 0xFB;

const uint8_t KEY_NUM_0 = 0xEA;
const uint8_t KEY_NUM_1 = 0xE1;
const uint8_t KEY_NUM_2 = 0xE2;
const uint8_t KEY_NUM_3 = 0xE3;
const uint8_t KEY_NUM_4 = 0xE4;
const uint8_t KEY_NUM_5 = 0xE5;
const uint8_t KEY_NUM_6 = 0xE6;
const uint8_t KEY_NUM_7 = 0xE7;
const uint8_t KEY_NUM_8 = 0xE8;
const uint8_t KEY_NUM_9 = 0xE9;
const uint8_t KEY_NUM_SLASH = 0xDC;
const uint8_t KEY_NUM_ASTERISK = 0xDD;
const uint8_t KEY_NUM_MINUS = 0xDE;
const uint8_t KEY_NUM_PLUS = 0xDF;
const uint8_t KEY_NUM_ENTER = 0xE0;
const uint8_t KEY_NUM_PERIOD = 0xEB;

typedef uint8_t MediaKeyReport[2];

const MediaKeyReport KEY_MEDIA_NEXT_TRACK = {1, 0};
const MediaKeyReport KEY_MEDIA_PREVIOUS_TRACK = {2, 0};
const MediaKeyReport KEY_MEDIA_STOP = {4, 0};
const MediaKeyReport KEY_MEDIA_PLAY_PAUSE = {8, 0};
const MediaKeyReport KEY_MEDIA_MUTE = {16, 0};
const MediaKeyReport KEY_MEDIA_VOLUME_UP = {32, 0};
const MediaKeyReport KEY_MEDIA_VOLUME_DOWN = {64, 0};
const MediaKeyReport KEY_MEDIA_WWW_HOME = {128, 0};
const MediaKeyReport KEY_MEDIA_LOCAL_MACHINE_BROWSER = {0, 1}; // Opens "My Computer" on Windows
const MediaKeyReport KEY_MEDIA_CALCULATOR = {0, 2};
const MediaKeyReport KEY_MEDIA_WWW_BOOKMARKS = {0, 4};
const MediaKeyReport KEY_MEDIA_WWW_SEARCH = {0, 8};
const MediaKeyReport KEY_MEDIA_WWW_STOP = {0, 16};
const MediaKeyReport KEY_MEDIA_WWW_BACK = {0, 32};
const MediaKeyReport KEY_MEDIA_CONSUMER_CONTROL_CONFIGURATION = {0, 64}; // Media Selection
const MediaKeyReport KEY_MEDIA_EMAIL_READER = {0, 128};



The demo can use ESP32-S3-GEEK to open the STA mode of WIFI, connect to the WIFI, and then use the Waveshare cloud platform to carry out MQTT communication, subscribe and publish topics, and realize the long-distance transmission of information.
  • When you are the first time to register on the Waveshare cloud, you need to create a new device according to the tutorial.

ESP32-S3-GEEK SUB01.png

  • After creating, you can set the corresponding configuration in the Arduino IDE according to ESP32SDK tutorial.
  • After configuration, you can find the Client ID, Pub Topic, and Sub Topic of the newly created device on Waveshare's cloud platform under "View Address". You can assign these values in the code to facilitate ESP32-S3-GEEK's connection to your cloud platform device.
  • Ensure that ESP32-S3-GEEK is set to STA mode and connected to the same Wi-Fi network as your device. (The Wi-Fi network ESP32-S3-GEEK connects to needs to support the 2.4GHz frequency band. In case it doesn't, you can use a PC to create a hotspot with the network frequency set to "Any available frequency".) Remember to modify the ssid and password with the name and password of the Wi-Fi network you want to connect to.

ESP32-S3-GEEK SUB02.png
ESP32-S3-GEEK SUB03.png

ESP32-S3-GEEK SUB04.png
ESP32-S3-GEEK SUB05.png

  • Install PubSubClient library, LIBRARY MANAGER -> Search PubSubClient -> INSTALL.

ESP32-S3-GEEK SUB06.png

  • Program the code, and after connecting to the WIFI, you can observe whether the device on Waveshare cloud platform enters "online" status. If not, you can try to refresh the webpage, use CH343 USB UART Board (mini) to connect to the PC, through the serial debugging assistant check the connection between the WIFI and MQTT. The LCD screen will display the connection situation between the WIFI and MQTT.

ESP32-S3-GEEK SUB07.png
ESP32-S3-GEEK SUB08.png

  • After connecting ESP32-S3-GEEK to Waveshare Cloud, you can directly send the MQTT message through the Dashboard.

ESP32-S3-GEEK SUB09.png
ESP32-S3-GEEK SUB10.png

  • We can observe different feedback regarding changes in device attribute values (e.g., "key") on both the LCD and the serial debugging assistant. Moreover, within Waveshare's cloud platform, under the device's received values, we can view the data transmitted from ESP32-S3-GEEK to the Waveshare cloud device (the received value corresponds to its Client ID). Subsequently, one can send the return value or status of the 'key' back to the Waveshare cloud. This completes the implementation of MQTT for both data uplink and downlink, as well as topic subscription and publication.

ESP32-S3-GEEK SUB11.png
ESP32-S3-GEEK SUB12.png


This demo enables ESP32-S3-GEEK to enter the STA mode of the WIFI and Bluetooth. After connecting the WIFI and Bluetooth, on the Waveshare Cloud platform, it's possible to remotely lock the screen via Bluetooth and unlock it by entering a password. Additionally, there are more combinations of keys awaiting your development.
  • When you are the first time to register on the Waveshare Cloud, you need to create a new device according to the tutorial.

ESP32-S3-GEEK SUB01.png

  • After creating, you can set the corresponding configuration in the Arduino IDE according to ESP32SDK tutorial.
  • After the configuration is complete, according to the "View Address" of the newly created device on Waveshare Cloud, you can see the "Client ID, Pub Topic, and Sub Topic" of the device, and you can write them into the demo for assigning values, which can be used for ESP32-S3-GEEK to connect to your cloud platform device.

ESP32-S3-GEEK SUB02.png
ESP32-S3-GEEK Key03.png

  • ESP32-S3-GEEK connects in STA mode to the same Wi-Fi network (The Wi-Fi network ESP32-S3-GEEK connects to needs to support the 2.4GHz frequency band. If the network doesn't support 2.4GHz, you can create a hotspot on your PC with the network frequency set to "Any available frequency.") Remember to modify the ssid and password with the name and password of the Wi-Fi network you want to connect to.
  • In the callback function, you can customize the identification tag to match the device attribute identifier you've created on our cloud platform.

ESP32-S3-GEEK SUB04.png
ESP32-S3-GEEK Key05.png

  • Programming the code, after connecting to the WIFI, you can open PC Bluetooth to connect the ESP32-S3-GEEK.

ESP32-S3-GEEK Demo46.png
ESP32-S3-GEEK Demo47.png
ESP32-S3-GEEK Demo48.png

  • Observe whether the device is on the Waveshare cloud platform in the online state, if not, you can try to refresh the web page with the use of CH343_USB_UART_Boardto connect to the PC through the serial debugging assistant to view the WIFI and MQTT connection, and the LCD will also display the WIFI and MQTT connections.

ESP32-S3-GEEK SUB07.png
ESP32-S3-GEEK G02.png

  • After the ESP32-S3-GEEK connects to the Waveshare Cloud, you can log in to the Waveshare Cloud Dashboard on your phone remotely lock the PC screen, and input a password for screen unlocking.

ESP32-S3-GEEK G03.gif

  • We can observe different feedback regarding changes in device attribute values (e.g., "key") on both the LCD and the serial debugging assistant. Additionally, we can further customize the callback function to modify keys into combinations like Ctrl+C, and Ctrl+V, allowing for a personalized DIY remote-controlled Bluetooth keyboard.

ESP32-S3-GEEK G04.png

  • Or you can enter keyboard tester website to test the keys remotely pressed by the ESP32-S3-GEEK Bluetooth.

ESP32-S3-GEEK G05.jpg



This demo allows the use of ESP32-S3-GEEK's SD card slot. Insert an SD card into the slot and open the serial debugging assistant. You'll be able to observe ESP32-S3-GEEK performing operations such as creating, deleting, modifying, and checking files on the SD card.

ESP32-S3-GEEK SD.png


With this demo, the pictures of the SD card in the SD card slot of the ESP32-S3-GEEK can be read. Store the pictures on the SD card, and insert it into the card slot. The ESP32-S3-GEEK can read and display the pictures of the SD card on the LCD, or it can flash the pictures as a gif.
  • Copy the TFT_eSPI file folder of the libraries to the installation directory of Arduino library.

ESP32-S3-GEEK Demo40.png
ESP32-S3-GEEK Demo41.png
ESP32-S3-GEEK LCD03.png

  • Install JPEGDecoder library, LIBRARY MANAGER -> search for JPEGDecoder -> INSTALL.

ESP32-S3-GEEK LCD04.png

  • You can store the pictures of "pic" on the SD card, or you can store your pictures, and modify the picture size to 240×135, and the display effect is the best.

ESP32-S3-GEEK LCD05.png

  • This part of the comment is removed to play the Waveshare startup animation.

ESP32-S3-GEEK LCD06.png
ESP32-S3-GEEK LCD07.gif



This demo can use the boot button of ESP32-S3-GEEK to realize a short press to light up the LCD and switch to the next picture, and a long press to turn off the LCD.
  • Install OneButton library, LIBRARY MANAGER -> search for OneButton -> INSTALL.

ESP32-S3-GEEK LCD Time03.png


This demo allows ESP32-S3-GEEK to connect to WiFi and obtain the current time. It then displays the date and time on both the LCD and the serial debugging assistant.
  • Modify the ssid and password to the name and password of the Wi-Fi network you want. (The WIFI of the ESP32-S3-GEEK connected requires the Wi-Fi network of the 2.4GHz frequency band. If there's no 2.4GHz band available, create a hotspot on your PC with the network frequency set to "Any available frequency".) For instance, if you need the time zone for Beijing (GMT+8), set utcOffsetInSeconds to 28800.(8*60*60)

ESP32-S3-GEEK LCD Time01.png

  • After programming the code, you can see the LCD display the real-time time and date. ESP32-S3-GEEK uses USB to UART to connect to the PC, open the serial port debugging assistant, and you can see the obtained time and date printed on the serial port debugging assistant.

ESP32-S3-GEEK LCD Time02.png



With this demo, the boot key on the ESP32-S3-GEEK is modified as a multi-functional key, capable of executing different operations based on single-click, double-click, or long-press actions.
  • Install OneButton library, LIBRARY MANAGER -> search for OneButton-> INSTALL.

ESP32-S3-GEEK LCD Time03.png

  • You can modify different processing functions by the following code. For more details, you can click here to view.
Once a click is detected, it triggers: void Click(void *oneButton)
Once a double click is detected, it triggers: void DoubleClick(void *oneButton)
Once long press is detected, it triggers: void LongPressStart(void *oneButton)

ESP32-S3-GEEK LCD Time04.png



This demo uses ESP32-S3-GEEK to open UART0 and the serial port assistant for UART communication.



With this demo, the IIC hardware interface of the ESP32-S3-GEEK drives the IIC module.



This example allows the use of ESP32-S3-GEEK's GPIO interface for ADC sampling, enabling the reading of voltages within the 3.3V range. When using it, ensure a common ground and avoid exceeding the measurement range.

Micropython Sample Demo

Note: Before using the Micropython demo, you need to check whether the Micropython environment and the download setting are correctly configured. For more details, you can refer to Micropython.


This demo uses the ESP32-S3-GEEK to open the LCD screen to display the text and BMP pictures.
  • Upload the LCD file folder of the MPY file to ESP32-S3-GEEK.

ESP32-S3-GEEK-MPY 10.png

  • Enter the of the ESP32-S3-GEEK, click to run, and observe the LCD screen display.

ESP32-S3-GEEK-MPY 11.png


This demo can read the SD card slot of the ESP32-S3-GEEK, and directly open the SD file folder of the ESP32-S3-GEEK to browse the files. Before using it, you need to insert the SD card into the card slot. 
  • Upload two files to the ESP32-S3-GEEK:

ESP32-S3-GEEK-MPY 12.png

  • After uploading, click on "STOP".

ESP32-S3-GEEK-MPY 13.png

  • You can see the SD file folder in the ESP32-S3-GEEK:

ESP32-S3-GEEK-MPY 14.png



This demo turns on the AP mode of WIFI using the ESP32-S3-GEEK, and the PC can connect to its WIFI.
  • essid is the AP name (ESP32-S3-GEEK) created by ESP32-S3-GEEK, the password (Waveshare) is the password used to connect to the AP.

ESP32-S3-GEEK-MPY 27.png

  • Upload the demo to the ESP32-S3-GEEK and click to run.

ESP32-S3-GEEK-MPY 15.png

  • Open the WIFI on the PC to connect, input the password: Waveshare.


This demo can use ESP32-S3-GEEK to open the STA mode of WIFI, and it can connect to other WIFI or hotspot opened on the PC.
  • In the STA mode, the ESP32-S3-GEEK connects to the WIFI with ssid of ESP32-S3-GEEK and password of Waveshare.

ESP32-S3-GEEK-MPY 18.png

  • PC opens a hotspot with ssid "ESP32-S3-GEEK" and password "Waveshare" (The WiFi network connected by ESP32-S3-GEEK needs to be on the 2.4GHz band. If there is no 2.4GHz band available, you can use the PC to open a hotspot, selecting the network band as "any available frequency"). Remember to modify the ssid and password to the desired WiFi network name and password. Upload the demo to ESP32-S3-GEEK and then click to run.

ESP32-S3-GEEK-MPY 19.pngESP32-S3-GEEK-MPY 20.png


This demo opens the Bluetooth of the ESP32-S3-GEEK and uses the Bluetooth and the Bluetooth debugger on the phone to communicate.
  • "ESP32-S3-GEEK" is the Bluetooth name.

ESP32-S3-GEEK-MPY 21.png

  • Click the Run button to successfully open Bluetooth and the Bluetooth name will be printed.

ESP32-S3-GEEK-MPY 22.png

  • Use your phone's Bluetooth debugging assistant to connect.

ESP32-S3-GEEK-MPY 24.pngESP32-S3-GEEK-MPY 25.png

  • Use your phone's Bluetooth debugging assistant to send a message, ESP32 receives the message and prints it out.

ESP32-S3-GEEK-MPY 26.pngESP32-S3-GEEK-MPY 23.png


This demo can use the ESP32-S3-GEEK to open UART0, and open the serial port assistant for UART communication.

ESP-IDF Sample Demo

Note: Before using ESP-IDF examples, ensure that the ESP-IDF environment and download settings are correctly configured. For specific instructions, refer to #ESP-IDF.

ESP-IDF Official Demo

Can be programmed in ESP-IDF using the official demos, only to provide the official routines to find the use of the method, the specific development needs to be the user's learning and programming.

The use of the official demo can be found in #Official Demo Usage, we need to pay attention to the use of the device COM port, chip selection, and if burning method is correct.
ESP32-S3-Geek Demo Official.png


This demo allows ESP32-S3-GEEK to function as a USB flash driver with wireless access. When combined with an SD card, it transforms into a high-capacity wireless storage unit. Additionally, it enables connecting to ESP32-S3-GEEK's hotspot to engage in HTTP file server operations for both uploads and downloads, significantly enhancing user convenience.
  • Before programming the demo, please insert the SD card into the SD card slot, and check whether the programming chip is esp32s3, and the COM port is correct or not. The programming method selects UART.

ESP32-S3 wireless disk.png

  • After programming, unplug and plug the ESP32-S3-GEEK again, and you can see a new USB flash driver.

ESP32-S3 wireless disk02.png

  • You can open the USB drive to browse through the files on the SD card and perform various operations such as adding, deleting, modifying, and checking files.

ESP32-S3 wireless disk03.png

  • Enter the PC's WIFI setting, connect to the ESP32-S3-GEEK's AP, and input the password of "Waveshare".
  • After connecting successfully, open the browser, and log in to IP:

ESP32-S3-GEEK Demo03.png

  • After login successfully, you can upload and download files wirelessly.

ESP32-S3 wireless disk05.png




Development Software


Image Modeling

Debugging Tool


ESP32 Official Document

MicroPython Official Document



① During programming, long-press the Boot button, insert the USB, and then release the button to enter the ESP32-S3-GEEK Download mode for the programming process. After programming, reconnecting the USB will enter the SPI_FAST_FLASH_BOOT mode, run the demo.
② Try turning off the PC's Bluetooth switch and then directly burn and run (indicating the conflict between the Bluetooth driver and the ESP32-S3-GEEK's COM driver results in the programming failure).



Please check if the Pub Topic and Sub Topic are correctly filled in, and verify if the device is online in the Waveshare Cloud. Both factors could impact the ability to send or receive MQTT messages.


  • 1. Click Settings in the lower left corner.


  • 2. Modified "Use Internal Flash" to "Use External SDCard".



  • 3. Save the settings and burn again.




Technical Support

If you need technical support or have any feedback/review, please click the Submit Now button to submit a ticket, Our support team will check and reply to you within 1 to 2 working days. Please be patient as we make every effort to help you to resolve the issue.
Working Time: 9 AM - 6 PM GMT+8 (Monday to Friday)