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DSI, CSI, HDMI, USB2.0/3.0
I2C, I2S, SPI, UART, RPi, Ethernet






As the IO board of the Raspberry Pi Compute Module 5, CM5-IO-BASE-A is a baseboard that can be used with the Raspberry Pi Compute Module 5. With powerful features are integrated into a compact design, it is only the size of a bank card. It comes with two USB3.2 Gen1 ports and two USB2.0 ports onboard, making it convenient for users.

Features and Precautions

1. Do not plug or unplug any device other than USB and HDMI when the device is powered on
2. Type C can be used as a USB SLAVE interface to flash images.
3. Onboard default 2 USB 3.2 Gen1 ports
4. Supports 4 screens to display different contents, adds MIPI DSI driver, regardless of whether a screen is connected, the system will default to connect, the screen will display in split-screen mode (related to the system version)
5. The onboard BOOT button, you can press the BOOT button before powering on, and connect to the computer through Type C to let the device enter the flashing mode
6. Do not connect other devices when using Type C to flash. Insufficient power supply for flashing will cause the device to be unrecognized
7. The USB ports have a total maximum power output of 2A


Core Board Size


Baseboard Size


Case Size

Please stay informed about it!

Image Flashing

How to Enter Flashing Mode

Choose one of the two
1. The onboard BOOT button, you can press the BOOT button before powering on, and connect to the computer through Type C to let the device enter the flashing mode

Click here for EMMC version
Click here for LITE version



1. Enable PCIE interface

Add in/boot/firmware/config.txt (this step is not required by default and can be skipped):

2. PCIE is gen2 by default, if you need to enable PCIE gen3, then add following to /boot/firmware/config.txt:


3. For PCIe module drivers, please refer to the corresponding Wiki

Fan Control

The PI5 fan defaults to starting when the temperature reaches 50 degrees. If you want to control it at other temperatures, you can do so by adding specific content to /boot/firmware/config.txt, for example:


Among them:

fan_temp0/1/2/3               Indicates the temperature (36000 means 36℃)
fan_temp0/1/2/3_speed Indicates the corresponding rotational speed (value up to 255)
fan_temp0/1/2/3_hyst Indicates the hysteresis temperature

For more details, refer to here

Notice: There are only 4 temperatures, 0, 1, 2 and 3, and it's not possible to set other temperatures. The hysteresis temperature must not exceed the step range between two temperatures


Support dual MIPI, customers can freely choose CSI or DSI connections

The DSI screen is 800x480 resolution screen by default, please refer to the corresponding WIKI for other resolution screens


#Add the following to the config.txt file:
sudo nano /boot/firmware/config.txt


  • Add the following to the config.txt file:
  • sudo nano /boot/firmware/config.txt
    Mode CAM0 setup statement CAM1 setup statement
    OV9281 dtoverlay=ov9281,cam0 dtoverlay=ov9281,cam1
    IMX290/IMX327 dtoverlay=imx290,clock-frequency=37125000,cam0 dtoverlay=imx290,clock-frequency=37125000,cam1
    IMX378 dtoverlay=imx378,cam0 dtoverlay=imx378,cam1
    IMX219 dtoverlay=imx219,cam0 dtoverlay=imx219,cam1
    IMX477 dtoverlay=imx477,cam0 dtoverlay=imx477,cam1
    IMX296 dtoverlay=imx296,cam0 dtoverlay=imx296,cam1
    IMX708 dtoverlay=imx708,cam0 dtoverlay=imx708,cam1

    Allow one connection to DSI and one connection to CSI, for example, use IMX219 to connect to MIPI1
    For example, if you want to connect a DSI display to MIPI0, add the following to the config.txt file

  • Use the shortcut Ctrl+o to save the file, then press Enter
  • Use the shortcut Ctrl+x to exit the editor
  • Reboot the device
    sudo reboot

  • Test Camera
    1. Enter the camera detection command, and you can see that the camera has been detected
      libcamera-hello --list-cameras

    2. Display the camera screen to the desktop
      libcamera-hello -t 0
    3. Take a photo
      libcamera-jpeg -o test.jpg
    4. Record a 10s video
      libcamera-vid -t 10000 -o test.h264

    Other commands
    Check if the camera is detected

    libcamera-hello --list-cameras

    Open the corresponding camera

    libcamera-hello  --camera 1
    libcamera-hello  --camera 0

    Take a photo

    libcamera-jpeg -o test.jpg
    #You can add --camera to specify the camera

    Real-Time Clock (RTC)

    There is no battery by default, and an additional RTC battery is required

    Software Debugging

    The default device is /dev/rtc0

    Regarding time, by inputting "date" in the command line, you can see the current time. Connecting the Raspberry Pi system to the network will automatically synchronize the time. If the default RTC device is connected and functioning properly, the RTC time will be updated after the automatic network synchronization

    sudo hwclock -r Read the RTC time, if there are multiple RTC devices, you can use -f to select the corresponding devices (for example: sudo hwclock -f /dev/rtc1 -r)


    System clock -> Hardware clock (RTC)

    sudo hwclock -w

    Synchronize hardware clock (RTC) -> System clock

    sudo hwclock  -s
     #Need to turn off the network, or disable network time synchronization, otherwise it will be changed back

    Set the hardware clock time (RTC):

    sudo hwclock --set --date="9/8/2023 16:45:05"

    View the hardware clock (RTC)

    sudo hwclock -r

    Show version information.

    sudo hwclock --verbose

    Automated Wakeup

    To support a low-power mode for wake-up alarms, add the configuration:

    sudo -E rpi-eeprom-config --edit
    #Add the following 2 lines
    #Restart the device after adding (if you connect to the serial port log, you can see that there are update related logs)
    sudo reboot
    #You can use the following methods to test the function:
    echo +600 | sudo tee /sys/class/rtc/rtc0/wakealarm
    sudo halt  or  sudo poweroff
    #10 minutes later, it will be awakened and restarted

    RTC Battery Charging

    Note: Before adding this, make sure your RTC battery allows charging and check the maximum allowable voltage

    sudo nano /boot/firmware/config.txt
    #Among these, 3,000,000 represents the maximum voltage. Charging will stop when it reaches 3V, and the charging will restart with a trickle charge when the voltage drops below 3V


    The onboard USB interface is USB3.2 Gen2 interface, and the speed is not shared (5Gbps rate can be at the same time)

    The USB cable interface is USB 2.0, with a shared speed of 480Mbps

    The total current is limited to 2A



    CM5 requires the latest version of Raspberry Pi OS Bookworm (2024-11-19 or later).


    Technical Support

    If you need technical support or have any feedback/review, please click the Submit Now button to submit a ticket, Our support team will check and reply to you within 1 to 2 working days. Please be patient as we make every effort to help you to resolve the issue.
    Working Time: 9 AM - 6 PM GMT+8 (Monday to Friday)