20 Gesture Recognition Based on MediaPipe

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This section introduces how to implement gesture recognition using MediaPipe + OpenCV.

What is MediaPipe?

MediaPipe is an open-source framework developed by Google for building machine learning-based multimedia processing applications. It provides a set of tools and libraries for processing video, audio, and image data, and applies machine learning models to achieve various functionalities such as pose estimation, gesture recognition, and face detection. MediaPipe is designed to offer efficient, flexible, and easy-to-use solutions, enabling developers to quickly build a variety of multimedia processing applications.


Since the product automatically runs the main program at startup, which occupies the camera resource, this tutorial cannot be used in such situations. You need to terminate the main program or disable its automatic startup before restarting the robot.
It's worth noting that because the robot's main program uses multi-threading and is configured to run automatically at startup through crontab, the usual method sudo killall python typically doesn't work. Therefore, we'll introduce the method of disabling the automatic startup of the main program here.
If you have already disabled the automatic startup of the robot's main demo, you do not need to proceed with the section on Terminate the Main Demo.

Terminate the Main Demo

1. Click the "+" icon next to the tab for this page to open a new tab called "Launcher."
2. Click on "Terminal" under "Other" to open a terminal window.
3. Type bash into the terminal window and press Enter.
4. Now you can use the Bash Shell to control the robot.
5. Enter the command: crontab -e.
6. If prompted to choose an editor, enter 1 and press Enter to select nano.
7. After opening the crontab configuration file, you'll see the following two lines:
@reboot ~/ugv_pt_rpi/ugv-env/bin/python ~/ugv_pt_rpi/app.py >> ~/ugv.log 2>&1
@reboot /bin/bash ~/ugv_pt_rpi/start_jupyter.sh >> ~/jupyter_log.log 2>&1
8. Add a # character at the beginning of the line with ……app.py >> …… to comment out this line.
#@reboot ~/ugv_pt_rpi/ugv-env/bin/python ~/ugv_pt_rpi/app.py >> ~/ugv.log 2>&1
@reboot /bin/bash ~/ugv_pt_rpi/start_jupyter.sh >> ~/jupyter_log.log 2>&1
9. Press Ctrl + X in the terminal window to exit. It will ask you Save modified buffer? Enter Y and press Enter to save the changes.
10. Reboot the device. Note that this process will temporarily close the current Jupyter Lab session. If you didn't comment out ……start_jupyter.sh >>…… in the previous step, you can still use Jupyter Lab normally after the robot reboots (JupyterLab and the robot's main program app.py run independently). You may need to refresh the page.
11. One thing to note is that since the lower machine continues to communicate with the upper machine through the serial port, the upper machine may not start up properly during the restart process due to the continuous change of serial port levels. Taking the case where the upper machine is a Raspberry Pi, after the Raspberry Pi is shut down and the green LED is constantly on without the green LED blinking, you can turn off the power switch of the robot, then turn it on again, and the robot will restart normally.
12. Enter the reboot command: sudo reboot.
13. After waiting for the device to restart (during the restart process, the green LED of the Raspberry Pi will blink, and when the frequency of the green LED blinking decreases or goes out, it means that the startup is successful), refresh the page and continue with the remaining part of this tutorial.


The following code block can be run directly:

1. Select the code block below.
2. Press Shift + Enter to run the code block.
3. Watch the real-time video window.
4. Press STOP to close the real-time video and release the camera resources.

If you cannot see the real-time camera feed when running:

  • Click on Kernel -> Shut down all kernels above.
  • Close the current section tab and open it again.
  • Click STOP to release the camera resources, then run the code block again.
  • Reboot the device.


If you use the USB camera you need to uncomment frame = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB).

Features of this Section

When the code block runs successfully, you can place your hand in front of the camera, and the real-time video frame will display annotations indicating the joints of the hand. These annotations will change with the movement of your hand, and the positions of each joint will be outputted as well, facilitating further development for gesture control.
MediaPipe's gesture recognition process uses different names to correspond to different joints. You can retrieve the position information of a joint by calling its corresponding number.

MediaPipe Han






















import cv2
import imutils, math
from picamera2 import Picamera2  # access Raspberry Pi Camera library
from IPython.display import display, Image  # Display images on Jupyter Notebook 
import ipywidgets as widgets  # Widgets for creating interactive interfaces, such as buttons
import threading  #Used to create new threads for asynchronous execution of tasks
import mediapipe as mp  #Import MediaPipe library for hand critical point detection

# Create a "Stop" button that the user can click to stop the video stream.
# ================
stopButton = widgets.ToggleButton(
    button_style='danger', # 'success', 'info', 'warning', 'danger' or ''
    icon='square' # (FontAwesome names without the `fa-` prefix)

# Initialize MediaPipe drawing tool and hand critical point detection model 
mpDraw = mp.solutions.drawing_utils

mpHands = mp.solutions.hands
hands = mpHands.Hands(max_num_hands=1) # Initialize hand landmark detection model, up to one hand  

# Define display functions to process video frames and perform hand landmark detection
def view(button):
    # If you are using a CSI camera you need to comment out the picam2 code and the camera code.
    # Since the latest versions of OpenCV no longer support CSI cameras (, you need to use picamera2 to get the camera footage
    # picam2 = Picamera2()  # Create Picamera2 example
    # Set camera parameters and video format and size
    # picam2.configure(picam2.create_video_configuration(main={"format": 'XRGB8888', "size": (640, 480)}))  # Configure camera parameters  
    # picam2.start()  # Boot the camera 
    camera = cv2.VideoCapture(-1)  #Create camera example
    #Set resolution
    camera.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, 640)
    camera.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, 480)
    display_handle=display(None, display_id=True)  # Creates a display handle for updating the displayed image
    while True:
        # frame = picam2.capture_array()
        _, frame = camera.read() # Capture one frame from the camera
        # frame = cv2.flip(frame, 1) # if your camera reverses your image

        # frame = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)

        img = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)
        results = hands.process(img)

        # If the hand landmark is detected
        if results.multi_hand_landmarks:
            for handLms in results.multi_hand_landmarks: #  Iterate over each hand detected
                # Drawing the hand landmark
                for id, lm in enumerate(handLms.landmark):
                    h, w, c = img.shape
                    cx, cy = int(lm.x * w), int(lm.y * h)  # Calculate the position of the key point in the image
                    cv2.circle(img, (cx, cy), 5, (255, 0, 0), -1)  # Drawing dots at key point locations

                frame = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)
                mpDraw.draw_landmarks(frame, handLms, mpHands.HAND_CONNECTIONS) # Drawing hand skeleton connecting lines
                frame = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) 

                target_pos = handLms.landmark[mpHands.HandLandmark.INDEX_FINGER_TIP]

        _, frame = cv2.imencode('.jpeg', frame)
        if stopButton.value==True:
            #picam2.close()  # If yes, close the camera
            cv2.release() # if yes, close the camera

# Display the "Stop" button and start the thread that displays the function.
# ================
thread = threading.Thread(target=view, args=(stopButton,))