Open429Z-D Package A, STM32F4 Development Board

Part No.:Open429Z-D Package A

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STM32 development board designed for the ST official tool 32F429IDISCOVERY, and integrates various standard interfaces, pretty easy for peripheral expansions.

STM32F429ZIT6 development board


Open429Z-D is an STM32 development board designed for the ST official tool 32F429IDISCOVERY, which features the STM32F429ZIT6 microcontroller onboard.

The Open429Z-D supports further expansion with various optional accessory boards for specific application. The modular and open design makes it the ideal for starting application development with STM32 series microcontrollers.

What's on the mother board

STM32F429ZIT6 development board on board resource

  1. 32F429IDISCOVERY socket: for easily connecting the 32F429IDISCOVERY
  2. MCU pins connector: all the MCU I/O ports are accessible on expansion connectors for further expansion
  3. USB connector: USB to UART via the onboard convertor PL2303
  4. I2C1/I2C2 interface: easily connects to I2C peripherals such as I/O expander (PCF8574), FRAM (FM24CLxx), etc.
  5. I2S2/I2S3/I2C1 interface: easily connects to I2S peripherals such as audio module, etc.
  6. DCMI interface: for connecting camera
  7. SDIO interface: for connecting Micro SD module, features much faster access speed rather than SPI
  8. CAN1 interface: communicates with accessory boards which feature the CAN device conveniently
  9. CAN2 interface: communicates with accessory boards which feature the CAN device conveniently
  10. UART3 interface: easily connects to RS232, RS485, USB TO 232, etc.
  11. SPI1/SPI4 + AD/DA interfaces:
    • easily connects to SPI peripherals such as DataFlash (AT45DBxx), SD card, MP3 module, etc.
    • easily connects to AD/DA modules (SPI1 features AD/DA alternative function)
  12. UART2 interface: easily connects to RS232, RS485, USB TO 232, etc.
  13. 8-bit FMC interface: easily connects to peripherals such as NandFlash
  14. SAI1 interface: for connecting audio modules
  15. ONE-WIRE interface: easily connects to ONE-WIRE devices (TO-92 package), such as temperature sensor (DS18B20), electronic registration number (DS2401), etc.
  16. 5V DC jack
  17. 5V/3.3V power input/output: usually used as power output, also common-grounding with other user board
  18. JTAG/SWD interface: for debugging/programming
  19. Joystick jumper
    • short the jumper to connect the joystick to default I/Os used in example code
    • open the jumper to connect the joystick to custom I/Os via jumper wires
  20. Boot mode switch: for configuring BOOT0 pin
  21. USB to UART jumper
  22. AMS1117-3.3: 3.3V voltage regulator
  23. PL2303: USB to UART convertor
  24. 12MHz crystal
  25. 5V DC power switch
  26. Power indicator
  27. UART1 indicator
  28. Joystick: five positions

What's on the 32F429IDISCOVERY

  • STM32F429ZIT6 microcontroller featuring 2 Mbytes of Flash memory, 256 Kbytes of RAM in an LQFP144 package
  • On-board ST-LINK/V2-B
  • mbed™ -enabled (
  • USB functions:
    • debug port
    • virtual COM port
    • mass storage
  • Board power supply: through the USB bus or from an external 3 V or 5 V supply voltage
  • 2.4" QVGA TFT LCD
  • 64-Mbit SDRAM
  • L3GD20, ST MEMS motion sensor 3-axis digital output gyroscope
  • Six LEDs:
    • LD1 (red/green) for USB communication
    • LD2 (red) for 3.3 V power-on
    • Two user LEDs: LD3 (green), LD4 (red)
    • Two USB OTG LEDs: LD5 (green) VBUS and LD6 (red) OC (over-current)
  • Two push-buttons (user and reset)
  • USB OTG with micro-AB connector
  • Extension header for LQFP144 I/Os for a quick connection to the prototyping board and an easy probing
  • Comprehensive free software including a variety of examples, part of STM32CubeF4 package or STSW-STM32138 for legacy standard libraries usage
32F429IDISCOVERY what's onboard
32F429IDISCOVERY what's onboard


STM32 Development Board
Open429Z-D development board
STM32 Development Board
Open429Z-D development board back view
STM32 Development Board
Open429Z-D connecting to a programmer
STM32 Development Board
Connecting to various peripherals
STM32 Cortex-M4 32F429IDISCOVERY
STM32 Cortex-M4 MCU board
STM32 Cortex-M4 32F429IDISCOVERY
STM32 Cortex-M4 MCU board
STM32 Cortex-M4 32F429IDISCOVERY
STM32 Cortex-M4 MCU board
STM32 Cortex-M4 32F429IDISCOVERY
STM32 Cortex-M4 MCU board
USB device
Connecting to USB device via convertor cable
WM8960 Audio Board
Connecting to audio Board
OV7670 Camera Board
Connecting to OV7670 Camera Board
RS232 Board
Connecting to RS232 Board
RS485 Board
Connecting to RS485 Board
PL2303 USB UART Board mini
Connecting to USB UART Board
SN65HVD230 CAN Board
Connecting to CAN Board
8 Push Buttons
Connecting to 8 Push Buttons
5 IO Keypad
Connecting to 5 IO Keypad
AD Keypad
Connecting to AD Keypad
Analog Test Board
Test Board on the AD/DA port
Connecting to FRAM Board
I2C cascading x3
Multi I2C peripheral Module connected to the I2C bus
AT45DBXX DataFlash Board
Connecting to DataFlash Board
VS1003B MP3 Board
Connecting to VS1003B MP3 Board
NRF24L01 RF Board
Connecting to NRF24L01 RF Board
Micro SD Storage Board
Connecting to Micro SD Storage Board
NandFlash Board
Connecting to NandFlash Board
Connecting to any accessory board
Connecting to any accessory board you need

The 32F429IDISCOVERY integrates ST-LINK/V2-B for programming/debugging (SWD only).

JTAG/SWD interfaces

The figure 1, and 2 show the header pinouts of JTAG/SWD interface

Figure 1. JTAG Header Pinout
JTAG Header Pinout
Figure 2. SWD Header Pinout
SWD Header Pinout

Development Resources

  • Schematic
  • Demo code (examples in C, μC/OS-II)
  • Related software (KEIL etc.)
  • STM32 Datasheets
  • STM32 development documentations


Weight: 0.356 kg

Quick Overview

The "Standard Package" and "Accessory Boards Package" below are included.

Standard Package

  1. Open429Z-D mother board x 1
  2. 4-pin 2-pin wires pack x 1
  3. USB power cable x 1

Accessory Boards Package

  1. 32F429IDISCOVERY x 1
  2. WM8960 Audio Board x 1
  3. Analog Test Board x 1
  4. Micro SD Storage Board x 1
  5. OV2640 Camera Board x 1
  6. NandFlash Board (A) x 1
  7. USB type A plug to mini-B plug cable x 1