Open107V Package B, STM32F1 Development Board

Part No.:Open107V Package B



STM32 development board designed for STM32F107V series, features the STM32F107VCT6 MCU, and integrates various standard interfaces, pretty easy for peripheral expansions.
STM32F107VCT6 development board


Open107V is a STM32 development board that features a STM32F107VCT6 device as the microcontroller. It supports further expansion with various optional accessory boards for specific application. The modular and open design makes it the ideal for starting application development with STM32 connectivity line microcontroller.

What's On Board

STM32F107VCT6 development board on board resource
  1. STM32F107VCT6:the high performance STM32 MCU which features:
    • Core: ARM Cortex-M3 32-bit RISC
    • Operating Frequency: 72MHz, 1.25 DMIPS/MHz
    • Operating Voltage: 2-3.6V
    • Package: LQFP100
    • I/Os: 80
    • Memories: 256K Flash, 64K RAM
    • Communication Interfaces: 3 x SPI, 3 x USART, 2 x UART, 2 x I2S, 2 x I2C, 1 x Ethernet MAC, 1 x USB OTG, 2 x CAN
    • AD & DA converters: 2 x AD (12-bit, 1μs, shares 16 channels); 2 x DA (12-bit)
    • Debugging/Programming: supports JTAG/SWD (serial wire debug) interfaces, supports IAP
  2. AMS1117-3.3: 3.3V voltage regulator
  3. Power supply switch: 5V DC or USB
  4. Power indicator;
  5. LEDs: Convenient for indicating I/O status or program running state
  6. Reset button;
  7. User key;
  8. Joystick: Convenient for I/O input (five positions)
  9. 32.768K crystal oscillator: for internal RTC
  10. 25M crystal oscillator;
  11. Ethernet Interface: easily connects the MCU to ethernet network by using an additional ethernet module
  12. 8 I/O Interface: easily connects to keypad, motor, etc.
  13. CAN1 Interface: communicates with accessory boards which feature the CAN device conveniently
  14. CAN2 Interface: communicates with accessory boards which feature the CAN device conveniently
  15. SPI1/SPI2 Interface: easily connects to SPI peripherals such as DataFlash (AT45DBxx), SD card, MP3, etc.
  16. I2C1/I2C2 Interface: easily connects to I2C peripherals such as I/O expander (PCF8574), EEPROM (AT24Cxx), etc.
  17. LCD Interface: easily connects to the touch screen LCD
  18. ONE-WIRE Interface: easily connects to ONE-WIRE devices (TO-92 package), such as temperature sensor (DS18B20), electronic registration number (DS2401), etc.
  19. PS/2 Interface: easily connects to PS/2 keyboard or mouse
  20. USART1 Interface: easily connects to RS232, RS485, USB TO 232, etc.
  21. USART2 Interface: easily connects to RS232, RS485, USB TO 232, etc.
  22. USB OTG: Communicating with USB Device or USB Host
  23. 5V DC jack;
  24. 5V/3.3 V power input/output;
  25. MCU pins connector: all the MCU pins are accessible on expansion connectors for further expansion
  26. JTAG/SWD interface: for debugging/programming
  27. Boot Mode Selection: for configuring the BOOT0 and BOOT1 pins
  28. USB OTG Selection Jumper
    • Short the jumper to enable USB OTG, connects to MCU I/O
    • Open the jumper to disable USB OTG, disconnects from MCU I/O
  29. PS/2 Interface Jumper
    • Short the jumper to connect the PS/2 device to default I/Os
    • Open the jumper to connect the PS/2 device to custom I/Os via jumper wires
  30. LEDs Jumper
    • Short the jumper to connect the LEDs to default I/Os
    • Open the jumper to connect the LEDs to custom I/Os via jumper wires
  31. VBAT Selection Jumper
    • Short the jumper to use system power supply
    • Open the jumper to make it possible to connect the VBAT to external power, such as battery


STM32 Development Board
Open107V Development Board
STM32 Development Board
Connecting to touch screen LCD
STM32 Development Board
Connecting to ST-LINK
STM32 Development Board
Connecting to various peripherals

Open107V μC/OS-II (Ⅰ)
Open107V μC/OS-II (Ⅱ)
Open107V μC/OS-II (Ⅲ)
Open107V μC/OS-II (Ⅳ)
RS232 Board
Connecting to RS232 Board via USART
PL2303 USB UART Board mini
Connecting to USB UART Board via USART
Connecting to CAN Board via CAN
VS1003B MP3 Board
Connecting to VS1003B MP3 Board via SPI
NRF24L01 RF Board
Connecting to NRF24L01 RF Board via SPI
8 Push Buttons
8 Push Buttons on the 8Bit I/O
4x4 Keypad
4x4 Keypad on the 8Bit I/O
Analog Test Board
Test Board on the AD/DA port
Connecting to EEPROM Board via I2C
I2C cascading x3
Multi I2C peripheral Module connected to the I2C bus
Connecting to DataFlash Board via SPI
Connecting to Ethernet Board via Ethernet Interface
Connecting to any accessory board
Connecting to any accessory board you need

The Open107V supports programming via STM32 USART bootloader, a USB TO UART accessory board is also provided in the package.
The Open107V does NOT integrate any debugging function, a debugger is required.

JTAG/SWD Interfaces

The figure 1, and 2 show the header pinouts of JTAG/SWD interface

Figure 1. JTAG Header Pinout
JTAG Header Pinout
Figure 2. SWD Header Pinout
SWD Header Pinout

Development Resources

  • Related softwares (KEIL etc.)
  • Demo Code (examples in C, μC/OS-II)
  • Schematic (PDF)
  • STM32 Development documents (Datasheet etc.)


Weight: 0.375 kg

Quick Overview

The "Standard Package" and "Accessory Boards Package" below are included.

Standard Package

  1. Open107V development board x 1
  2. PL2303 USB UART Board (mini) x 1
  3. USB type A plug to mini-B plug cable x 1
  4. USB type A receptacle to mini-B plug cable x 1
  5. 4-pin wire x 2
  6. 2-pin wire x 2
  7. USB power cable x 1
  8. Software CD x 1

Accessory Boards Package

  1. 3.2inch 320x240 Touch LCD x 1
  2. Analog Test Board (for AD/DA testing) x 1
  3. SN65HVD230 CAN Board (CAN) x 1
  4. DP83848 Ethernet Board x 1
  5. AT24CXX EEPROM Board (I2C) x 1
  6. Micro SD Storage Board (SDIO/SPI) x 1
  7. AT45DBXX DataFlash Board (SPI) x 1
  8. VS1003B MP3 Board x1
  9. Ethernet Cable x 1