AlphaBot2 robot building kit for Arduino

Part No.:AlphaBot2-Ar (EN)



AlphaBot2 robot building kit for Arduino, with controller R3 PLUS

This product is developed, manufactured, and tech supported by Waveshare.


  • Li-ion and Li-po batteries are quite unstable. They may cause fire, personal injury, or property damage, if they're not properly recharged or used.
  • Do not reversely connect the polarities when recharging or discharging the battery. Do not use inferior charger/charging panel to recharge the battery.
  • Do not mix use old batteries with new ones, avoid using batteries of different brands.
  • When buying Lithium battery, should always make sure the battery specification is compatible with the expansion board. Choose batteries from formal manufacturer, and ensure the batteries will work stably and safely by aging test.
  • Lithium batteries have limited cycle life, they will also deteriorate as time goes by. Should be replaced with new ones when the batteries reaching their max cycle life, or working over two years, whichever comes first.
  • Should be placed carefully and properly, keep it away from inflammables and explosives articles, away from children, avoid any safety accident caused by careless storage.


This AlphaBot2 robot kit is designed to use with an Arduino compatible board R3 PLUS. It features rich common robot functions including line tracking, obstacle avoiding, ultrasonic ranging, infrared remote control, Bluetooth communication, etc.

Thanks to the highly integrated modular design, it is fairly easy to assemble by a snap, no soldering, no wiring. After a few minutes spent on hardware assembing, you're almost there, our open source demo codes is ready to help you get started fast.

R3 PLUS Features

The R3 PLUS is an Arduino-Compatible microcontroller development board.

R3 PLUS Official R3 Remarks
Operating voltage 5V/3.3V 5V Dual voltage level to support more shields
Reset Lateral Vertical Lateral button is easier to use when connecting with shield
Bootloader switch Yes None The board can be configured to run program immediately when power-up by the switch
USB connector Micro USB USB Type B Micro connector is more commonly used, and shields won't be blocked anymore while connecting
DC jack Low profile Normal height Shields won't be blocked anymore while connecting
Power output header Yes None

Providing 5V/3.3V power output OR common-grounding with other boards

3.3V power output 800mA Max 150mA Max R3 PLUS features higher driving capability
Oscillator Crystal oscillator Ceramic resonator Crystal oscillator is suit for applications where accurate clock reference is required
ADC channel 8 6 CFG used as ADC6 by configuration, and ADC7 from the Reserved PIN
Connecting with
prototype breadboard
Supported Not supported Solder pads is provided for DIY interfaces to connecting with prototype breadboard
USB driver Compatible with all main systems Doesn't compatible with WIN7/WIN8 Express Edition Driver will never failed to install thanks to the onboard FT232
Firmware fixing Supported Not supported Firmware can be fixed by using the onboard FT232, no extra programmer is needed

AlphaBot2 Features

AlphaBot2 employs a 2-layer structure to provide excellent stability and compatibility.

AlphaBot2-Base, the lower base chassis:

  • 5-ch infrared sensor, analog output, combined with PID algorithm, stable line tracking
  • Onboard modules like line tracking, obstacle avoiding, needs no messy wiring
  • TB6612FNG dual H-bridge motor driver, compared with L298P, it's more efficient, more compact, and less heating
  • N20 micro gear motor, with metal gears, low noise, high accuracy
  • Onboard RGB LEDs, true color lighting, pretty cool

AlphaBot2-Ar, the upper adapter board for controller:

  • Onboard Arduino interface, into which Arduino controller can be directly plugged
  • 0.96inch 128x64 yellow/blue dual color OLED
  • TLC2543 AD acquisition chip
  • PC8574 I/O expander, avoid I/O shortage
  • Xbee connector, for connecting dual-mode Bluetooth module

What's on the R3 PLUS

  1. ATMEGA328P-AU
  2. AMS1117-3.3
    3.3V voltage regulator
  3. NCP1117ST50T3G
    5V voltage regulator
  4. FT232RL
    USB to UART convertor
  5. Arduino interface
    • compatible with standard Arduino interface with two additional analog inputs A6 (config the CFG), A7
    • solder pads provided, supports prototype breadboard
  6. ICSP interface
  7. MICRO USB connector
    for uploading program OR serial port debugging
  8. Power output header
    3.3V OR 5V, voltage level configured by the onboard power configuration switch, used as power output OR common-grounding with other boards
  9. FT232 pins
    for burning Bootloader into the microcontroller
  10. DC input
    7V ~ 12V
  11. Reset button
  12. Power indicator
  13. Serial port Rx/Tx indicator
  14. User LED
  15. 500mA fast auto-recovery fuse
  16. Power configuration
    for configuring the operating voltage
  17. Bootloader selection switch
    • turn ON: the board will reset when power-up OR other USB devices were detected connecting to the PC
    • turn OFF: the onboard program runs immediately when power-up, and the board will not reset when other USB devices were detected connecting to the PC

What's on the AlphaBot2-Base

AlphaBot2-Base on board resource
  1. AlphaBot2 control interface: for connecting sorts of controller adapter board
  2. Ultrasonic module interface
  3. Obstacle avoiding indicators
  4. Omni-direction wheel
  5. ST188: reflective infrared photoelectric sensor, for obstacle avoiding
  6. ITR20001/T: reflective infrared photoelectric sensor, for line tracking
  7. Potentiometer for adjusting obstacle avoiding range
  8. TB6612FNG dual H-bridge motor driver
  9. LM393 voltage comparator
  10. N20 micro gear motor reduction rate 1:30, 6V/600RPM
  11. Rubber wheels diameter 42mm, width 19mm
  12. Power switch
  13. Battery holder: supports 14500 batteries
  14. WS2812B: true color RGB LEDs
  15. Battery charging indicator
  16. 5V USB battery charging port
  17. Power indicator

What's on the AlphaBot2-Ar

AlphaBot2-Ar on board resource

  1. AlphaBot2 control interface: for connecting AlphaBot2-Base
  2. Arduino expansion header: for connecting Arduino shields
  3. Arduino interface: for connecting Arduino compatible controller
  4. Xbee connector: for connecting dual-mode Bluetooth module, remotely control the robot via Bluetooth
  5. IR receiver
  6. PC8574: I/O expander, SPI interface
  7. Arduino peripheral jumpers
  8. TLC2543: 12-bit AD acquisition chip
  9. Buzzer
  10. 0.96inch OLED 128x64 resolution
  11. Joystick


AlphaBot2-Ar illustration AlphaBot2-Ar illustration AlphaBot2-Ar illustration
Raspberry Arduino Robot AlphaBot2
AlphaBot2-Ar top view
Raspberry Arduino Robot AlphaBot2
AlphaBot2-Ar bottom view
Raspberry Arduino Robot AlphaBot2
AlphaBot2-Base top view
Raspberry Arduino Robot AlphaBot2
AlphaBot2-Base bottom view
Raspberry Arduino Robot AlphaBot2
AlphaBot2-Ar robot side view
Raspberry Arduino Robot AlphaBot2
AlphaBot2-Ar robot side view
Raspberry Arduino Robot AlphaBot2
AlphaBot2-Ar robot front view
Raspberry Arduino Robot AlphaBot2
AlphaBot2-Ar robot back view
Raspberry Arduino Robot AlphaBot2
AlphaBot2-Ar robot bottom view
Raspberry Arduino Robot AlphaBot2
AlphaBot2-Ar robot bottom view
Raspberry Arduino Robot AlphaBot2
AlphaBot2-Ar robot top view
Raspberry Arduino Robot AlphaBot2
AlphaBot2-Ar robot disassembly


Raspberry Arduino Robot AlphaBot2 Demo
AlphaBot2 multi robots line following
Raspberry Arduino Robot AlphaBot2 Demo
AlphaBot2-Ar robot line tracking
Raspberry Arduino Robot AlphaBot2 Demo
AlphaBot2-Ar robot obstacle avoiding
Raspberry Arduino Robot AlphaBot2 Demo
AlphaBot2-Ar robot Bluetooth control

Note: photos are FOR REFERENCE ONLY, the other boards/modules/accessories are NOT included in the price.


AlphaBot2-Base dimensions

Development Resources

Wiki :

Wiki :

Selection Guide

Package ContentsAlphaBot2 Robot Kits
ItemDescriptionmicro:bitArZero WPi
Raspberry Pi Raspberry Pi Model 3B/3B+/4B       optional
AlphaBot2-Pi Adapter board, for connecting Raspberry Pi      
Raspberry Pi Zero W Raspberry Pi Zero W/WH (built-in WiFi)     optional  
AlphaBot2-PiZero Adapter board, for connecting RPi Zero W/WH      
R3 PLUS ATMEGA328P MCU development board, Arduino-compatible   optional    
Dual-mode Bluetooth Dual-mode Bluetooth module   optional    
AlphaBot2-Ar Adapter board, for connecting Arduino      
micro:bit BBC micro:bit, a pocket-sized computer, original version or V2 optional      
AlphaBot2 for micro:bit Adapter board, for connecting micro:bit      
AlphaBot2-Base Motor driver, integrates sensors for obstacle avoiding, line tracking
Ultrasonic sensor Ultrasonic obstacle avoiding, ranging  
IR remote controller remotely control the robot  
RPi Camera (B)  Raspberry Pi camera, adjustable focus    
SG90 Servo, working with the pan head, controlling the rotation of the camera    
TF Card 32GB 32GB TF Card, class 10    
5V 3A Power Adapter Provides 5V 3A power supply, micro USB plug    

Note: Due to the structure design, ultrasonic sensor module can NOT be used with the AlphaBot2-Pi kit.

Weight: 0.309 kg

Quick Overview

AlphaBot2-Ar Acc Pack

Note: this product requires two 14500 batteries to work, which are NOT included and should be purchased separately.

  1. AlphaBot2-Ar (adapter board) x1
  2. AlphaBot2-Base (base chassis) x1
  3. Ultrasonic sensor x1
  4. IR remote controller x1
  5. FC-20P cable 8cm x1
  6. USB type A plug to micro B plug cable x1
  7. AlphaBot2-Ar screws x1
  8. Screwdriver x1 (Extra Free)

Additional Parts in the Kit

  1. R3 PLUS x1
  2. Dual-mode Bluetooth x1