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Raspberry Pi Expansion Board
DVK512 l.jpg

Raspberry Pi Expansion/Evaluation Board, features various interfaces





Raspberry Pi Expansion/Evaluation Board, features various interfaces


Basic operations

System image file programming

Download newest Rapsbian image from Raspberry Pi web site.

Programming the system image file with Win32DiskImager.exe

Format your TF card with the SDFormatter.exe.

Notices: The capability of TF card in used here should be more than 4GB. In this operation, a TF card reader is also required, which has to be purchased separately.

Start the Win32DiskImager.exe, and select the system image file copied into your PC, then, click the button Write to program the system image file.

Serial debugging environment deploying

Connect your PC to the UART TO USB interface on DVK512 via a mini USB cable;

  • Notices: The USB part of the UART TO USB interface applied by DVK512 is a mini USB interface, while the one on Raspberry Pi board is a micro USB interface. Please take a note.

Install the cp2102_driver;

PuTTY settings

Start the software PuTTY.exe, and configure the following parameters:

  • Serial line: it is used to select corresponding serial port. The serial port in used can be check by Device Manager.
  • Speed: it is used to set the Baud rate: 115200.
  • Connection type: this option should be set to Serial.
And then, click the button Open.

After the system is started up, you should input following information: User name: pi and Password: raspberry. Then, you can enter the serial terminal to communicate with the Raspberry Pi.

Notices: In this document, the software PuTTY is always used to control the Raspberry Pi via serial port communication, unless otherwise specified. When a serial port is used for Raspberry Pi terminal debugging, it cannot service as a common serial port any more, since it is occupied by system debugging function.

DVK512 and expansion function Demos

Before performing any operations described in this section, you should connect DVK512 to RPi with onboard pin headers, unless otherwise specified.

Installing the libraries required

Before using the DVK512 programs, you shall install the the bcm2835, wiringPi and python libraries to the RPi to add the additional APIs, and configure the settings to start up the core drivers of I2C, SPI and UART after the libraries installed. For more detailed information about the installation and configuration of the RPI library functions, please refer to Libraries Installation for RPi. Of course, we have provided a system image file with the libraries installed as well. In case that you don’t want to reinstall the libraries, you can program this ready-to-use system image file to your Raspberry Pi board. You can find the API source code in the directory /home/pi/DVK512 only if using the ready-to-use system image. Note: Each demo should be run under the corresponding directory, e.g. to use the bcm2835 demo of the LED, execute the command:

pi@raspberrypi ~/DVK512/LED/bcm2835 $ sudo ./led

This means that, you should first enter the path ~/DVK512/LED/bcm2835 than execute the command sudo ./led (./led is a compiled executable file).

The sudo means that the command is executed by a super user. The sudo is not required If you log in as a root user, e.g.

root@raspberrypi:/home/pi/DVK512/LED/bcm2835# ./led

Unless otherwise specified, the following demos are pre-compiled to executable files which can be run directly. If you intend to compile the C program of bcm2835, wiringPi, sysfs, etc. then please enter the demo directory and execute the command make to compile the program while the command make clean to remove the executable files. For example:

pi@raspberrypi ~/DVK512/LED/bcm2835 $ make clean
rm led
pi@raspberrypi ~/DVK512/LED/bcm2835 $ make
gcc -Wall led.c -o led -lbcm2835

Python program can be run directly without compilations, e.g.

pi@raspberrypi ~/DVK512/LED/python $ sudo python led.py

LED Demo

bcm2835 program:

  1. Enter the Linux terminal, and run the following commands:
    pi@raspberrypi ~/DVK512/LED/bcm2835 $ sudo ./led
  2. The 4 LEDs will light up one by one.
  3. Press the keys Ctrl+C to end the demo.

wiringPi program:

  1. Enter the Linux terminal, and run the following commands:
    pi@raspberrypi ~/DVK512/LED/wiringPi $ sudo ./led
  2. The 4 LEDs will light up one by one.
  3. Press the keys Ctrl+C to end the program.

Python program:

  1. Enter the Linux terminal, and run the following commands:
    pi@raspberrypi ~/DVK512/LED/python $ sudo python led.py
  2. The 4 LEDs will light up one by one.
  3. Press the keys Ctrl+C to end the program.

shell program:

  1. Turn on LED0 by this command:
    pi@raspberrypi ~/DVK512/LED/shell $ sudo ./LED.sh 26 1
  2. Turn off LED0 by this command:
    pi@raspberrypi ~/DVK512/LED/shell $ sudo ./LED.sh 26 0

Key Demo

bcm2835 program:

  1. Enter the Linux terminal, and run the following commands:
    pi@raspberrypi ~/DVK512/KEY/bcm2835 $ sudo ./key
  2. The terminal will show whether there is key-press.
  3. Press the keys Ctrl+C to end the program.

wiringPi program:

  1. Enter the Linux terminal, and run the following commands:
    pi@raspberrypi ~/DVK512/KEY/bcm2835 $ sudo ./key
  2. The terminal will show whether there is key-press.
  3. Press the keys Ctrl+C to end the program.

Python program:

  1. Enter the Linux terminal, and run the following commands:
    pi@raspberrypi ~/DVK512/KEY/bcm2835 $ sudo ./key
  2. The terminal will show whether there is key-press.
  3. Press the keys Ctrl+C to end the program.

8-channel Logic Level Convertor Demo

The connection between Logic Level Converter and DVK512

Connect the 8-channel Logic Level Converter to the onboard 8I/Os interface. (Notices: The VCCA pin header on the Logic Level Converter should be connected to the 3V3 pin header of the 8I/Os connector on DVK512). Pin relationships between Logic Level Converter and DVK512:

Logic Level Converter DVK512

Enter the terminal, and execute corresponding commands:

bcm2835 program:

pi@raspberrypi ~/DVK512/Logic-Converter/bcm2835 $ sudo ./Logic_Converter

wringPi program:

pi@raspberrypi ~/DVK512/Logic-Converter/wiringPi $ sudo ./Logic_Converter

python program:

pi@raspberrypi ~/DVK512/Logic-Converter/python $ sudo python Logic_Converter.py
  • Press the KEY0-KEY3 on the DVK512, and the relative LED will light up.
  • Press the keys Ctrl+C to end the demo.

Joystick Demo

Connect the Mix Board to the 8I/Os interface. Enter the terminal, and execute corresponding commands:

bcm2835 program:

pi@raspberrypi ~/DVK512/JOYSTICK/bcm2835 $ sudo ./joystick

wringPi program:

pi@raspberrypi ~/DVK512/JOYSTICK/wiringPi $ sudo ./joystick

python program:

pi@raspberrypi ~/DVK512/JOYSTICK/python $ sudo python joystick.py 

Press or move the joystick, the terminal will show the action.

Buzzer and PWM

Connect the Mix Board to the 8I/Os interface. Enter the terminal, and execute corresponding commands:

wringPi program:

pi@raspberrypi ~/DVK512/Buzzer_PWM/wiringPi $ sudo ./Buzzer

python program:

pi@raspberrypi ~/DVK512/Buzzer_PWM/python $ sudo python buzzer.py 

The buzzer on the Mix Board will buzz in 4 seconds.

Press the keys Ctrl+C to end the program.

DS18B20 Demo

Inserting the DS18B20 to the ON-WIRE interface on Mix Board

Connect the Mix Board to the 8I/Os interface.

Insert the DS18B20 to the ON-WIRE interface on Mix Board.

Symbols Warning.png Dangerous: Please make sure the DS18B20 is connected correctly.
The DS18B20 in wrong connection may generate a high temperature which may cause injuries
The figure shows the correct connection between the DS18B20 and the Mix Board, in which the DS18B20 should be placed according to the shape of the icon shown on the ONE-WIRE interface of Mix Board.

Enter the terminal, and execute corresponding commands:

sysfs program:

pi@raspberrypi ~/DVK512/DS18B20/fs $ sudo ./ds18b20

python program:

pi@raspberrypi ~/DVK512/DS18B20/python $ sudo python ds18b20.py 

The terminal will display the current temperature information.

Infrared remote control

Connecting the infrared receiver to the IRM interface on Mix Board

Connect the Mix Board to the 8I/Os interface.

Connect the infrared receiver to the IRM interface on Mix Board.

Notices: The infrared receiver should be placed according to the shape of the icon shown on the IRM interface of Mix Board.

Terminal displays the key pressed on the infrared remote controller

Enter the terminal, and execute corresponding commands:

bcm2835 program:

pi@raspberrypi ~/DVK512/IRM/bcm2835 $ sudo ./irm

wiringPi program:

pi@raspberrypi ~/DVK512/IRM/wiringPi $ sudo ./irm 

python program:

pi@raspberrypi ~/DVK512/IRM/python $ sudo python irm.py

Press any key on the infrared remote controller provided by Waveshare. The terminal will display the decoded infrared signal in hexadecimal format.

Press the keys Ctrl+C to end the demo.

LCD1602 (Purchased Separately) Demo

Inserting the LCD1602 into the LCD1602 interface on DVK512

Insert the LCD1602 into the LCD1602 interface on DVK512.

Enter the Linux terminal, and run the following commands:

pi@raspberrypi ~/DVK512/LCD1602 $ sudo ./lcd1602

LCD1602 will display relative information. If there is nothing shown, please adjust the potentiometer on the LCD1602. The red box in Figure 11 shows the position of the potentiometer.

PCF8563 RTC Demo

Set the jumpers on DVK512:

  • Connect RTC_SDA to SDA
  • Connect RTC_SCL to SCL

Install i2c-tools. If you have not installed i2c-tools yet, please enter the terminal, and input: root@ raspberrypi:/# apt-get install i2c-tools

Enter the Linux terminal, and run the following commands:

root@ raspberrypi:/# i2cdetect –y 1
PCF8563 is detected by Raspberry Pi

Then, you will see the device address of PCF8563 connected to Raspberry Pi module. Here, the device address of PCF8563 is 51, indicating that the PCF8563 is detected by Raspberry Pi.

Enter the terminal, and execute corresponding commands:

bcm2835 program:

pi@raspberrypi ~/DVK512/PCF8563/bcm2835 $ sudo ./pcf8563

wiringPi program:

pi@raspberrypi ~/DVK512/PCF8563/wiringPi $ sudo ./pcf8563

python program:

pi@raspberrypi ~/DVK512/PCF8563/python $ sudo ./pcf8563.py

Time of PCF8563 will be shown on the terminal.

PCF8591 AD Demo

Connect the PCF8591 module to the I2C interface on DVK512.

Connecting the pins AIN0 and AD0 together

Connect the pins AIN0 and AD0 on the PCF8591 together via a cable.

Displaying the AD values read from ADC0-ADC3

Enter the terminal, and execute corresponding commands:

bcm2835 program:

pi@raspberrypi ~/DVK512/PCF8591/ADC/bcm2835 $ sudo ./pcf8591

wiringPi program:

pi@raspberrypi ~/DVK512/PCF8591/ADC/wiringPi $ sudo ./pcf8591

python program:

pi@raspberrypi ~/DVK512/PCF8591/ADC/python $ sudo python pcf8591.py

The terminal will display the AD values read from ADC0-ADC3 (corresponding to the pins AIN0-AIN3 on PCF8591).

PCF8591 DA Demo

Connect the PCF8591 module to the I2C interface on DVK512.

Connecting the Pin AOUT on PCF8591 to the LED pin header on DVK512

Connect the Pin AOUT on PCF8591 to the LED pin header on DVK512.

Enter the terminal, and execute corresponding commands:

bcm2835 program:

pi@raspberrypi ~/DVK512/PCF8591/DAC/bcm2835 $ sudo ./pcf8591

wiringPi program:

pi@raspberrypi ~/DVK512/PCF8591/DAC/wiringPi $ sudo ./pcf8591

python program:

pi@raspberrypi ~/DVK512/PCF8591/DAC/python $ sudo python pcf8591.py

The digital conversion value is displayed in the terminal. And the brightness of the LED indicator on DVK512 will change with the level variation on the pin AOUT.

Acceleration of Gravity and Magnetic Sensors LSM303DLHC

Relative values read from acceleration of gravity and magnetic sensor
Connecting the LSM303DLHC module to the I2C interface on DVK512
LSM303DLHC module has two rows of pins, and the one connected to DVK512 contains the pins SDA and SCL.

Connect the LSM303DLHC module to the I2C interface on DVK512.

Notices: LSM303DLHC module has two rows of pins, and the one connected to DVK512 contains the pins SDA and SCL.

Enter the terminal, and execute corresponding commands:

bcm2835 program:

pi@raspberrypi ~/DVK512/LSM303DLHC/bcm2835 $ sudo ./LSM303DLHC

wiringPi program:

pi@raspberrypi ~/DVK512/LSM303DLHC/wiringPi $ sudo ./LSM303DLHC

python program:

pi@raspberrypi ~/DVK512/LSM303DLHC/python $ sudo python LSM303DLHC.py

The terminal will display the relative values read from acceleration of gravity and magnetic sensor.

Angular rate Sensor L3G4200D

Connect the L3G4200D to the SPI interface on DVK512.

Angular velocity values

Enter the terminal, and execute corresponding commands:

bcm2835 program:

pi@raspberrypi ~/DVK512/L3G4200D/bcm2835 $ sudo ./L3G4200D

wiringPi program:

pi@raspberrypi ~/DVK512/L3G4200D/wiringPi $ sudo ./L3G4200D

python program:

pi@raspberrypi ~/DVK512/L3G4200D/python $ sudo python L3G4200D.py

The terminal will display the angular velocity values in three factors of x axis, y axis and z axis, respectively.


Note: The Serial Port of Raspberry pi is used for terminal debugging by default, so for using UART function, the Serial terminal debugging function needs to be closed.

Connect the onboard UART TO USB port to a PC via a mini USB cable.

Enter the terminal, and execute corresponding commands:

wiringPi program: pi@raspberrypi ~/DVK512/UART/wiringPi $ sudo ./UART

python program: pi@raspberrypi ~/DVK512/UART/python $ sudo ./uart.py

Run Serial monitor software, choose a corresponding COM port and set the baud rate as 115200. The field sent by the software will be sent back and shown on the software.

GPS (Purchased Separately) Demo

Removing the jumper wire from UART JMP for GPS Demo

In the default boot mode of the system image provided by Waveshare, the serial port works as terminal debugging output. In order to control peripherals via serial port communication, you should input corresponding commands on the terminal to disable the debugging function of the serial port.

sudo raspi-config

Choose Advanced Options -> Serial –>no to disable the debugging function of the serial port.

Once the debugging function of the serial port is disabled, you cannot access the Pi using Serial port but you can re-enable the debugging function by raspi-config.

GPS position information

Insert a GPS module into the UART interface on DVK512, and remove the jumper wire from UART JMP.

Enter the terminal, and input the following commands to set the Baud rate (The Baud rate will be restored to the default value: 115200, after the system rebooted).

root@raspberrypi:/# stty -F /dev/ttyAMA0 38400
root@raspberrypi:/# gpsd /dev/ttyAMA0 -F /var/run/gpsd.sock

Enter the terminal and input the following command to open the GPS software provided by the Linux system:

root@raspberrypi:/# cgps -s

The terminal will display relative GPS position information.

Libraries Installation for RPi

PS: If you are using the system of the Bullseye branch, you need to change "apt-get" to "apt". The system of the Bullseye branch only supports Python3.

First of all you make sure to use which language C or python Open the terminal of Raspberry Pi and install libraries as guides below

Install Library

If you use the bookworm system, you can only use lgpio library, bcm2835 and wiringPi can't be installed and used.


#Open the Raspberry Pi terminal and run the following command
wget http://www.airspayce.com/mikem/bcm2835/bcm2835-1.71.tar.gz
tar zxvf bcm2835-1.71.tar.gz 
cd bcm2835-1.71/
sudo ./configure && sudo make && sudo make check && sudo make install
# For more, you can refer to the official website at: http://www.airspayce.com/mikem/bcm2835/


#Open the Raspberry Pi terminal and run the following command
sudo apt-get install wiringpi
#For Raspberry Pi systems after May 2019 (earlier than that can be executed without), an upgrade may be required:
wget https://project-downloads.drogon.net/wiringpi-latest.deb
sudo dpkg -i wiringpi-latest.deb
gpio -v
# Run gpio -v and version 2.52 will appear, if it doesn't it means there was an installation error

# Bullseye branch system using the following command:
git clone https://github.com/WiringPi/WiringPi
cd WiringPi
. /build
gpio -v
# Run gpio -v and version 2.70 will appear, if it doesn't it means there was an installation error


#Open the Raspberry Pi terminal and run the following command
wget https://github.com/joan2937/lg/archive/master.zip
unzip master.zip
cd lg-master
sudo make install
#Raspberry Pi 5 
sudo apt install python3-rpi-lgpio
#For more details, you can refer to https://github.com/gpiozero/lg

Install Python Library

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python-pip
sudo pip install RPi.GPIO
sudo apt-get install python-smbus
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python3-pip
sudo pip install RPi.GPIO
sudo apt-get install python3-smbus


Application Notes



You should update the mirror image in the same manner as the method shown below, otherwise the system mirror image may not run after updated:

sudo apt-mark hold raspberrypi-bootloader
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade


Due to shipping reasons, this product doesn't come with any batteries. You shall place a CR1220 button battery into the socket for clocking usage.


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Working Time: 9 AM - 6 PM GMT+8 (Monday to Friday)