LPC4357FET256 / LPC4357JET256 MCU core board
Core4357 is an LPC MCU core board that features an LPC4357FET256 / LPC4357JET256 device as the microcontroller, supports further expansion.
- onboard 1 pcs 256M Bit SDRAM
- onboard 1 pcs 1G Bit NandFlash
- onboard 1 pcs 32M Bit NorFlash
- integrated MCU basic circuit like crystal oscillator circuit
- idle I/O ports are accessible on the pin headers
- 4-layer pcb & 2.0mm header pitch design, suitable for being plugged-in your application system
What's On Board

- LPC4357FET256 / LPC4357JET256:the LPC ARM Cortex-M4/M0 dual-core microcontroller:
- Core: Cortex-M4 processor, 204MHz Max
- Core: Cortex-M0 coprocessor, 204MHz Max
- Package: LBGA256
- I/Os: 164
- Memories: FLASH total 1M, SRAM total 136kB, ROM 64kB, E2PROM 16kB, OTP memory 64 bit
- Interfaces:
- 1 x SPIFI, 1 x 10/100T MAC
- 1 x High-speed USB2.0 Host/Device/OTG
- 1 x High-speed USB 2.0 Host/Device
- 1 x 550 UART, 3 x 550 USART, 1 x IrDA
- 2 x CAN 2.0, 2 x SSP, 1 x SPI, 1 x Fast-mode Plus I2C
- 1 x standard I2C-bus, 2 x I2S, 1 x EMC, 1 x LCD controller
- 1 x SD/MMC, 1 x PWM, 1 x QEI, 1 x 10-bit DAC, 2 x 10-bit ADC
- QSPI FLASH solder pads, for soldering external Flash if required
- MT48LC8M32B2, 256M Bit SDRAM
- SST39VF3201, 32M Bit NorFlash
- K9F1G08U0B, 1G Bit NandFlash
- 12M crystal oscillator
- 32.768K crystal, for internal RTC with calibration
- MCU pins expander, VCC, GND and idle I/O ports are accessible on expansion connectors for further expansion
Note: Mother board in the photo is NOT included in the price.

Development Resources
- Related software (KEIL etc.)
- Examples in C
- Schematic (PDF)
- LPC Cortex-M3/M4 development documentations
Note: the camera and capacitive touch screen drivers are not provided for the moment.